back when costco was the price club, i returned a computer like a year later. i was so evil. plopped another couple hundred down and got a brand new upgraded computer.
back when costco was the price club, i returned a computer like a year later. i was so evil. plopped another couple hundred down and got a brand new upgraded computer.
uggg never would i want to go back to physical keyboards. hell, pecking at a stock android/ios keyboard is hellish enough. swiftkey ALL THE FUCKING WAY.
forwards, not backwards.
crazy right?!?!?! 2 shift keys and some people prefer one over the other... MIND BLOWING!!!
i honestly can’t watch these videos. they make me feel queasy trying to keep track of that tiny little window of view. people need to learn how to take a fucking video. this is getting beyond pathetic and we need to stop giving these asshats attention until they learn how to use a fucking cellphone camera.
you sound pretty sheepleish there yourself with your talk of ‘high res audio’ using useless buzzwords that mean nothing makes me think that you feel like there is something better than cd/redbook quality audio. and if so, you’re even more of a sheep than the people who just like to listen to their music; you actually…
DUDE!!! exactly what i was thinking when typing. bravo!!
or you could remember the adage. you get what you pay for. these bundle game sales are 99% not worth it even when 99% off. at least 70% of the time anyways
i’m jealous. the closest arcade i can think of is over 2 hour drive away.
ps4 is pretty easy to get your games at 50%
kind of a pathetic attitude if you ask me. let’s all just shut the fuck up and never enact a social change. to hell with it!! to hell with filing complaints with the correct bureaus that the government has so keenly set up for these exact problems. TO HELL WITH IT!!! let’s let them all just walk all over us for a…
shut off the laptop.... i did that this one time. it was ok i guess.
oh look, a long winded post about how he completely missed the point of the article.
except mods existed decades before steam was ever thought of. steam is not doing anything that users themselves weren’t already doing en masse for as long as the internet has existed. your point is moot.
oh look, he thinks i starred my own comment on purpose, isn’t he just the most adorable little child you’ve ever seen??? you really should ask your mommy for permission before you use the internet.
oh look, someone who has no understanding of medical procedures.
you’re the coward. you should shut up before more people realize what a piece of shit you are
isn’t it fun hating women??
annoying little twit