
As far as I can tell, “has a digital readout and/ or exposed wires” as the totality of their criteria for “could be mistaken for a bomb”

Just change it to the Fighting Sue and have your mascot dress up like Johnny Cash. Damn that was easy...

Candy corn is amazing.

“The development of sex robots and the ideas to support their production show the immense horrors still present in the world of prostitution which is built on the “perceived” inferiority of women and children and therefore justifies their uses as sex objects.”

Let it be known that it is currently more socially

In general? When I was ~13 years old (1999 or 2000), I was standing in Babbage’s reading the players guide for Final Fantasy Anthology for PS1 (Final Fantasy V and VI). The guy working there asked me if I was going to stand there and read it all day or buy it, to which I said, “Oh sorry, I don’t have money to buy it.”

Gameplay-wise, I’ve always been a World kinda-guy, and I still think it’s the highwater mark for, not just the series, but the industry in general.

“Well gee, if they were employees then maybe we’d be even more liable for one of our employees raping Lizzy Seeberg and somehow getting away with it with our help.”

You just know that he beat on it.

Not sure if I’d make that assumption. I worked at a company that used similar switches and they always purchased finished cables in varying lengths. When you are connecting that many cables, it takes forever to terminate them yourself.

The homeopaths were rescued after they were seen rolling around in a field near their hotel, gibbering incoherently.”

I sat through Pauley Shore’s In the Army Now. In the theatre. I want my purple heart.

“...and THAT’S why you should never be a racist, xenophobic, classist asshole.”

Ironic, considering that Scalia would likely be writing the dissent in her favor should this ever get up to SCOTUS.

This describes the rationale of about 100% of people I know who have a full size SUV. My Volvo is rated to tow something like 3,000lbs. That’s a decent sized camper or a 25’ bay boat.

Yeah, it looks like several people did call.

Yeah, I need all of the help I can get.

There is evidence that a few people called the police. The calls (allegedly) were bungled/ignored. The claim that no one called was conjured up to help the police cover their mistake.

Youabian Puma owners.

I know a lot of people who reverse out of a parking space in the same manner.