
That’s not how that works. If a company sells a game at retail, they do not make the full sale price in revenue, much less in profit. There are tons of costs you aren’t accounting for, for example, the retail markup.

Wow, ok. So your argument is “I’m not biased, YOU’RE biased.” Everyone is biased. Even me. Even you.

Also, one need not be explicit in a compare and contrast. If you lived on Earth your entire life and went to Mars for a vacation and then wrote about your experience, it would inherently be a compare and contrast and

These are many of the thoughts that I’ve had since buying a new-to-me 2014 Miata (manual of course) after driving a 2003 Camry for 8 years. I’ve never had the want to drive as much as I do now. I’ve had that feeling with motorcycles before, but never cars. I get genuinely sad when going somewhere with more than one

I mean, that’s one way to look at it, but it’s equally easy to read this as a compare/contrast with the national security of the USA. He talks a lot about the surveillance state of the UAE. Take a step back and think about how your own biases influence how you read this article. I thought it was very humanizing,

Why are the people in the photo toasting with empty beer bottles?

Wait, are you really suggesting that only women might be able to understand how it feels to put up with degrading, painful things just so they don’t offend or give a bad impression to someone who is popular in their social circle?

Was looking to see if anyone posted this. Just a TLDR on that link, that number is the highest that can be stored in the most common number format that computers use (a 32 bit signed integer).

Absolutely this! I don’t have social anxiety issues, really, but adopting this mantra has given me much more interesting stories and made me happier. I find that even things I don’t really want to go to end up being a lot more fun than I thought and I’m almost always way happier that I went than if I hadn’t.

Well, yeah, without knowing the story it’s impossible to know if I would be sympathetic or not. So as Officer Barbrady would say, “Nothing to see here, move along.”

If I lost a friend because of a petty reaction to a harmless thing, I’d be annoyed, but I’d move on with my life. This smacks of hyperbole, but everyone is entitled to overreact, I suppose.

If I were at a restaurant with a friend and I knew they felt this way, I would do my damnedest to get the servers to the table as stealthily and secretly as possible. Just to watch them squirm.

I haven’t played in a while, but do you not get a new randomized player when you die?

If so, it would be trivial to die until you get something you want.

Could you expand on or give a link on the Chief Justice William Rehnquist’s estate comment? Google isn’t giving me anything.

I worked at a bank for 6 years and while this should work most of the time, there is no law about the cashing of old checks. It is solely the discretion of the person’s bank that you gave the check to. The bank I worked for had a policy of not depositing or cashing checks older than 6 months, but it was not set in

So...wait just a goddamn the fuck do you vet someone’s race when people self-identify their race and THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS RACE.

Obvious troll is obvious.

For a few years now I have had the dream of buying a used yellow school bus, ripping out the seats, and putting in bunks, storage, and my own seating. This wouldn’t be a typical RV, but more like a larger luxury travel van as there would be no kitchen, bathroom, or sink. Just a large, comfy means of travelling.


I was at a nice, fancy wedding reception. The groom was good friends with a local brewer and they had two half-barrel kegs of good, local beer. One was an IPA or Pale Ale, and it was delicious. I sat down after getting myself a beer and my girlfriend a glass of wine. We were seated at a large, round table and had been

*citation needed

I can’t figure out where to add that promo code for just cause 3 before paying. I’ve never ordered from gen man gaming before.

I can’t figure out where to add that promo code for just cause 3 before paying. I’ve never ordered from gen man