
@Jeremy Washington: It is legal, Sony can't sue you but they can void your warranty and stop any support or service. In this case, they deny access to the PSN.

@Methusalah: Exactly, don't forget you vote with your money deawootech.

Lets all get together and take a dump on RIAA's ankle.

The Chrome logo should be wearing diapers ;)

@ACreator_PT: :P exactly what i was thinking... ...differently thinking

@BookOfVampires: Carmack is not just anyone who has worked or played a video game.

Hey Gizmodo, why don't you review this gadget ?

@wanderingrabbi: I don't think Apple will use different names in American and Europe. Jobs will never let that happen.


:S I was worried this news would talk of another delay.

@Lamp: You go ahead and make that level, i won't have to buy Sonic :)

@Prosthetics: It is also stupid to talk about loyalty when you remember how Bungie (Microsoft) screwed PC gamers. The original game came out much later for PC then console.

Damn Amazon has not shipped the copy i preordered 3 months ago :(

Ggggrrrrr, Kotaku, you ads on the side and top are overlapping the pictures when i look at them full size.

@Nitesh Singh: Yeah, i think we lost it. Confirmed, we don't have a plane anymore.

@andrew_berge: Haha! yeah, there must be planes crashing on our roads at night.

@Redrum4breakfast: Fishy ? this isn't fishy, this is pure logic. If you've played console and PC FPS.

@spec24: Mmmmhhhh, depends where you live. Here in Quebec, our electricity is generated with water falling down a dam. How clean is that :)

Hey mr Turner, i wish i could have fixed all my Windows Vista problems by placing a rubber band around my PC !