@Jeremy Washington: It is legal, Sony can't sue you but they can void your warranty and stop any support or service. In this case, they deny access to the PSN.
@Jeremy Washington: It is legal, Sony can't sue you but they can void your warranty and stop any support or service. In this case, they deny access to the PSN.
@Methusalah: Exactly, don't forget you vote with your money deawootech.
Lets all get together and take a dump on RIAA's ankle.
The Chrome logo should be wearing diapers ;)
@ACreator_PT: :P exactly what i was thinking... ...differently thinking
@BookOfVampires: Carmack is not just anyone who has worked or played a video game.
Hey Gizmodo, why don't you review this gadget ?
@wanderingrabbi: I don't think Apple will use different names in American and Europe. Jobs will never let that happen.
:S I was worried this news would talk of another delay.
@Lamp: You go ahead and make that level, i won't have to buy Sonic :)
@Prosthetics: It is also stupid to talk about loyalty when you remember how Bungie (Microsoft) screwed PC gamers. The original game came out much later for PC then console.
@Neeraj Verma: Yeah, 5 years ago they did.
Damn Amazon has not shipped the copy i preordered 3 months ago :(
Ggggrrrrr, Kotaku, you ads on the side and top are overlapping the pictures when i look at them full size.
@Nitesh Singh: Yeah, i think we lost it. Confirmed, we don't have a plane anymore.
@andrew_berge: Haha! yeah, there must be planes crashing on our roads at night.
@Redrum4breakfast: Fishy ? this isn't fishy, this is pure logic. If you've played console and PC FPS.
@spec24: Mmmmhhhh, depends where you live. Here in Quebec, our electricity is generated with water falling down a dam. How clean is that :)
Hey mr Turner, i wish i could have fixed all my Windows Vista problems by placing a rubber band around my PC !