i would pay about $75 for Kinect
i would pay about $75 for Kinect
@Vylen: sssshhhhhhhh, don't say things like that, they're going to delay the game another 6 month. I want it as soon as possible.
Is there any way to see the pictures in full resolution ?
@Sam fisher's a aimbot: Yeah, i guess :P
Do you read Gizmodo ?
If i was Nintendo, i wouldn't trust Sony with a 6 feets long stick.
@foxh8er: Wow, you just made me realise how cool a Mirrors Edge/Portal crossover would be.
@ThirteenOfTwo: Well i'll be interested to see the result when you're done :)
@gardenlevel: The CPU in the 3GS is simply 2 times faster than the one in the 3G.
@Bfury: Its not on the wrong side. its the real photo thats been reversed for the comparison.
Whats the point? First you tell us there's a new sound bar for the PS, then you're telling us that you wont try it and that its for Sony fanboys ?
I'll get it for mac. It comes free with a PC copy :D
@FriarNurgle: The day this will happen, some crazy hacker is going to rick roll hijack you to madness.
This is the whole point of the iPhone. Before it, the carrier was driving the consumer's decision. When the iPhone came, the hardware became the driving factor.
Are the critics insulted that the prince is speaking English instead of Persian?
The PC and the Mac are open. You can run any software you want on them.
I would buy the Led Zep version and the Pink Floyd version but i'd pirate the U2 version just to piss off Bono :P
@ddhboy: They fell in an infinite loop porting portal.
@mordennight: Well i'm french. Can you write in french as good as i can in english ? You got the message right ?
@Anunnaki: I share your pain. Same story here.