
I’m embarrassed to admit I might have been following the Ta-Ye Crisis, even if it was with only one eye, and I was actually kind of grateful for the RNC for knocking them at least temporarily out of the news, but what has me wondering is this: isn’t Lena Dunham part of the #swiftsquad? Have I missed her contribution

I think it’s more of the too-cool-for-school anti-intellectualism. And it annoys the fuck out of me. Dog forbid you wander intellectually, and don’t self-deprecate enough - especially as a woman. One more fucking knife edge women have to walk: be smart but not too smart or else you’re a show-off, think but not too

I think we can all glean the significance of her decision not to leap to his defense as her colleagues have. But of course, if she had also been a victim of his harassment as well, the ultimate power move would be to join the suit. What a goddamned world of hurt that would be for Ailes, and Kelly would be at a fulcrum

Oh, I dunno. I’ve traveled around in some 3rd world countries.

I am a young, and I like regular books. I love the smell, the feel, the weight, the texture, the not having batteries that die.

It’s shitty and exploitative to make and display photorealistic topless images of women without their consent and even worse to go around telling people that they may be images of the actual woman.

I found the video so creepy and unsettling. They all look dead. I think he wanted people to be creeped out, pissed off, shocked and he succeeded. This is basically shock porn. People were losing their shit last night on Twitter and at ONTD. Everyone was angry, his fans’ minds were away...

I feel pretty confident that if Taylor were gay, she would have already come out and found a way to make a breathtaking amount of money off of it.

fuck off

I mean, I may catch some flak for this, but: masculinity and femininity are social constructs, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The entire basis of gender presentation revolves around the idea that there is, generally speaking, a spectrum of presentation ranging from “masculine” to “feminine”. Masculine is

Be careful, some feminists think that we can only hate on national patriarchy, any criticism of international misogyny is deemed imperialism.

You do realise that Hillary has way more support from black voters than Bernie does, right?

Granted I usually live under a rock and am actively trying to avoid a lot of the election coverage (b/c it’s more a circus than honest journalism), but these alleged “feminists” saying we need to elect Hillary b/c she’s a woman - I could swear this is mostly a strawwoman cooked up by Bernie and the RNC or trolls just

Nah, fuck this attitude. I will retain to right to criticize nations where the brutal rape of a 15 year old is semi-acceptable. It doesn’t make anyone a racist. If I said it was because of their skin color or some innate part of them, than yeah I would be. But I can criticize other places in the same way I criticize

He’s also not getting the super delegates because he spent most of his campaign railing against them, until he needed them. Now everyone should ignore his previous stance on them.

It’s time for him to fucking drop out. You’ve lost. Look at how ugly your supporters behavior is. Is this really what you wanted when you started this, Bernie? For shame.

but how much does she have to do with production? and they did say the workers were making twice the minimum like...??

It’s Kendall & Kylie. I think people don’t hold them to very high standards. When you’re as loved as Beyoncé, people assume certain things. Whether it’s fair or not is a different issue. But I don’t think you can compare what people expect of her with what people expect of the Jenner girls.

ok, but like you can’t join a global initiative to help the lives of women and girls and then turn around and oppress those same women and girls, so you can make money for yourself. That’s not how this works.