Chummy the Gopher

Paging through today's edits on that article's history page is pretty entertaining...

I think that is an angle on the campaign (an unintentional misstatement, maybe) from by the writer of this piece. AFAICT it is not an aim of the actual campaign.

The media coverage of this campaign seems ridiculous to me. It's called #AskHerMore not #DontAskAnythingAboutFashionEver. The campaign website says:

um, you mean next step up from GIVING A GUY YOUR NUMBER. What's next, "Rihanna's ear wormiest song since she invited you to wear one of her rain boots, rain boots, rain boots"? THAT IS NOT EVEN HOW THE SONG GOES.

maybe things were different back in the day?

If you're going to make assumptions about what you imagine people mean when they say something (rather than what they actually said), maybe employ less condescension and aggression. Sorry to be antagonistic, but well, you started it (nyah!) and this is not the first obnoxious reply I've gotten to this. Patience

So no, not just for her.

Distinguishing between natural and synthetic is not the same as saying that natural is always safe. The natural-synthetic spectrum should not be the *only* consideration in risk assessment, but it *is* a consideration among even the most mainstream science-y scientists who ever scienced, and rightfully so.

It is actually a useful distinction, it is entirely reasonable to take the natural/synthetic gradient into account when doing risk assessment, and saying that is not at all the same as saying that everything natural is good for you.

The distinction is meaningful in risk assessment and application of the precautionary principle. Co-evolving + longer history = tendency to (a) have adapted to longer term effects, and (b) be aware of shorter term risks. That is not the same as saying that everything natural is good for you and everything synthetic

Okay, actually I just really wanted a reason to use this gif -

Oh god yes, thank you for dismissing the duplicate posts. Kinja is totally left sharking me. Or I am left sharking Kinja? Or something.

gahh kinjaaaaa

omg so sorry for the nine million posts

Edit: triple post (!!)

Edit: double post

Steven Tyler was such an icon but now he's just a sad, worn parody of himself. 67 years old and still with the ridiculous tight pants and the bared chest, not to mention the obvious plastic surgery. And still mooning audiences? No one wants to see that. So obviously grasping for attention and relevance. (I mean god,

It is actually useful to distinguish between synthetic chemicals — which is what people generally mean by "chemicals" in colloquial use — and naturally occurring chemicals (thinking of synthetic-natural as a gradient rather than a binary though). We have evolved along with the natural world, and we have longer

I don't agree with the "there is no acceptable level of any chemical to ingest, ever" statement, but "chemicals" in colloquial use overwhelmingly means "synthetic chemicals."