
Okay, let’s get into it: It wasn’t bad. As disjointed as fuck in style and tone due to the number of cooks, but not bad. But that doesn’t mean it was good, because it wasn’t. It’s just the second out of five DCCU movies that I actually wouldn’t mind watching again.

Meh. He’s early aughts sexy. Or midwest sexy, which is generally 8-20 years behind the times.

No it’ll probably either be Jane’s ex-BF Donald Blake or a guy named Eric Masterson

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?

The Fifth Element has a 72% on RottenTomatoes and who doesn’t love The Fifth Element. The Fifth Element isn’t going to win any grand cinematic awards, but it’s a fun, beautiful movie that I’ll sit down and watch anytime I come across it.

This is “trolling” in the same way that laying out your clothes the night before is a “lifehack.”

This is the most embarrassed that I have been to be an American since yesterday.

Um... it looked kinda crummy?


Scarlett Johansson better pull down her shades.

And will there finally be a trailer revealed for Last Jedi? I mean come on!

Jesus, does all things happening in the DCCU universe between the moments of dusk and dawn, and if not, why is it always so grey, like perpetual sadness.

Orphan Black should spin off a series that is all Helena.

The io9 writing staff’s hate for this show is becoming comical.

Mutant, Home Superior ;-)

Weapon 13. I highly recommend Rick Remender’s Uncanny X-force run with him on the team (Wolverine, Deadpool, Psylocke, Archangel, Fantomex).

That would be Starhawk, IIRC. Man... if we saw more Guardians from the original iteration of the team, along with Vance Astro, that would be fucking amazing. Especially if we got Vance Astro from the future running around with Cap’s shield. Everyone would be like, “whaaaaaaat?”

Yes, I’m sure he will stomp around and pantomime in a fur suit while being tall just as well as Peter Mayhew did. I mean, it’s not like he has to deliver a Shakespearean soliloquy.

Meanwhile, I’m over here waiting for the return of Ahsoka, if for no other reason than to bring the Vader arc to it’s most logical conclusion.

Vader reveals to the Emperor that the padawan of Anakin Skywalker lives, to which the Emperor demand Vader to bring her before him so he may turn her to the dark side. Snips