
Not unless they announce that they’re bringing in the Punisher or the Predator to adapt those comics.

He strikes me as too intelligent to play Guy Gardner. Maybe Booster Gold though.

Pretty sure you are thinking of the Gelgameks vagina. It’s three feet wide and has razor sharp teeth.

Disney says otherwise. And Maul’s amazingly a lot better character in these cartoons than he ever was in live-action.

If you haven’t seen Rebels yet and are a SW fan. I have just 1 thing to show you.

Actually it would be the perfect vehicle to introduce the next actor to play Wolverine, complete with fourth-wall-breaking comments about how he “looks different.” And the cherry on top would be an appearance by Hugh Jackman as himself. Hopefully with a pot belly because he doesn’t have to work out any longer.

“When the Death Star blows up the Imperial facilities on Scarif it’s highly probable all Shore Troopers and Death Troopers went with it. Maybe TIE Strikers and U-Wings, too. It’s at least a plausible cover for all these new things to be missing during the original trilogy.”

Honestly, who needs a trailer to decide if they’re going to see a Star Wars movie or not? After 40 years of global cultural saturation, you pretty much know what you are getting.

“I would love to see an Obi-Wan movie set between III and IV.”

I would love to see an Obi-Wan movie set between III and IV. We’ve already got the actor (who was the best part of the prequels IMO) and it would be cool to have him do something totally bizarre, like journey to another galaxy to aid in a totally separate conflict, almost like a reverse Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Or maybe

With “unpredictable and homicidal” you just described most of Batman’s rouge gallery. The Joker is more than just an unpredictable killer. He’s supposed to have an innate, but twisted, sense of humor that permeates his actions. He kills when there is a punch line. His actions and schemes are all about the dramatic and

The brouhaha around this completely unnecessary approach would be hilarious if it was not so pathetic.

Costume looks cool. Maybe it’s time to remember that Halloween is about having fun for the night, not getting pedantic about the proper interpretation of a comic book character.

Counterpoint : if you don’t read the comics, avoided the chatter and conjecture all summer and just watched the show last night, like I did, it was totally worth it.

Yeah, well, we got rid of Rick Perry, so it seems like the weather is happier these days.

Plus, if your heroes have saved the universe, where do you go from there?

Yeah, I went to ITT in Phoenix, AZ and there were a considerable amount of my classmates that were vets who basically just handed them their GI Bills. The Major that we were going for was “desolved” about a few months after I was suppose to graduate. I didn’t finish the program because I moved out of state that had no


Daisy’s a badass.

So, fucking NOTHING worth doing.