
He’s Han Solo the White now.

Mark Hamill is a goddamned treasure.

I think what we’ll end up seeing is one giant four-night crossover. This is kind of an unprecedented moment in terms of the history of network television. To have four shows [with the] same showrunner.

Amen. And take fucking Simon Kinberg with you! I enjoyed his three previous films, but AoA is a giant stinking mess. And it doesn’t do itself any favors by constantly referring back to First Class, which gets as better by comparison as AoA gets worse. Bring back Matthew Vaughn. Maybe the taste of sour grapes is out of

This is what I want to see on Gizmodo.

Do girls find THAT attractive? He’s no Richard Dean Anderson.

I wonder if there is gonna be any reference to the Betsy Braddock/Kwannon thing or if she's just gonna be Psylocke and not get into any of that stuff with her

Ahh, Jerry Miculek. Coolest grandpa in the world

Yes, don’t be afraid to embrace your goddamn source material! Colors and costumes won’t kill you!

I guess I understand the X-23 thing; if Jackman is done you need to make a new Wolverine.

I definitely like the idea of a new sidekick allowing Bruce to get back to the person he used to be. It would actually be one of the few ways I could see a Batman-Robin story working well in this universe.

Exactly! Or how meeting the new Robin or Batgirl changes him, and he realizes he can’t go around killing people.


Can we all please talk about what happened to Kanan? My heart jumped out of my chest when he was blinded by Maul’s lightsaber. I know it’s hip for people to brush this show off because it’s a kids’ show on Disney but HOLY SHIT they literally gave us POV as he lost his sight. I was terrified that he was dead until I

Can we shoehorn Chris Pratt into Kingsman 2? Please? Please please please? This is a great idea. You all know I’m right.

But we love that idea of ultimately, say a Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Punisher, Agents of SHIELD, maybe there’s a way to get ‘em back in there as long as it makes sense for our storytelling and doesn’t prohibit them from telling a story

That... is pretty amazing. That Cat Lady is like... mindblowingly realistic. I’m glad you included the unskinned model, because I’d have a hard time believing it wasn’t a photo.

It’s almost as if we watched totally different episodes.