
please don't.

Just imagine Gary Oldman hopping into a Gundam, and everything will be ok

Eh, if Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne have enough time to be CEOs of multinational conglomerates, still invent things themselves, run around with top-tier superhero teams to stop global threats plus deal with their own rogues galleries, while still making time to attend upscale social engagements and romance a series of

As soon as I find out that you can’t set the default search to anything other than Bing, I’m jumping ship.

You actually sound like a defensive driver who drives quickly. The fact you are keenly aware of your surroundings is what probably keeps you out of accidents and is exactly what defensive driving is all about. Your asshole speeding is only undercutting the advantages you gain from increased awareness and will probably

Generally people like you are the douchebags of the road. But you keep on thinking you're the best driver out there. You're not special. Most drivers have not been in crazy accidents and drive safely and defensively.

this movie definitely lived up to my expectations. I loved every second of it.


...Pardon me while i renew my WoW subscription, i-i swear i'm not crying either! ;-;

Because thinking regulations matter to those who choose to break the law is being highly naive. If a gangbanger wanted to print his own gun, a signed piece of paper won't stop him. It will stop however, a law abiding citizen who could use their own printed gun for protection purposes.

The best thing about this show is that I had no idea this guy was coming, since I really know very little about The Flash.

Michael Bay approves.

Dammit Google, stop making me want to spend my money!!!!1!!!!

Dammit Google, stop making me want to spend my money!!!!1!!!!

It'll probably be terrible, but I'm in. What can I say? I'm a sucker for the franchise and I have terrible tastes sometimes.

Boo. The Suicide Squad in Arrow is already awesome.

Say what you want, this is arguably the greatest computer game ever made. The scope of it's content is breathtaking and it has slowly and surely improved as time goes on.

Classy guy; glad I started watching his show. Also glad, for the sake of the idiots running DC/WB he no longer shoots to kill.

Yes Marvel, we get it. We're excited. You've got us hooked. STOP MAKING TRAILERS AND JUST RELEASE THE GODDAMN MOVIE ALREADY