
Eminem's problem is that he long stopped putting his best work on his albums.

^^^ Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Ted Cruz?

What's the grossest/most unexpected thing you've ever encountered? Followup, do you still ever get grossed out at all or do you move past that at a certain point?

You know what? This made me cry happy tears. A friends mother recently died and it added a bit extra stuff to my depression plate. But seeing something I really wanted to happen get revealed (Black Panther / Captain Marvel / Inhumans) gave me a needed burst of joy for a little while. Super great news Marvel! Thanks.

I wanted a Nova movie so bad but honestly Captain Marvel makes way more sense.

Captain Marvel. Absolutely awesome. Just verifies something we already knew: that there are some very, very smart people currently employed at Marvel. If they handle it right, it could be absolutely dynamite.

Are we in heaven?


I'm about to die. I mean this is incredible. Captain Marvel!

That cat gives exactly zero f___s.

X-Men: First Class was pretty great.

Hating on Iron Man 2 is as cool as hating on Comic Sans these days. Kids are just into it.

Screw the fact that it was the staging ground for everything we have today in terms of the MCU. No no, that billionaire genius playboy philanthropist with the suit of flying super armor "invented" an element in 20 min.

I LIKED Iron Man 2. I guess I am in the minority. It was Iron Man's bucket list. If they had not used Mickey Rourke it would have been better, but the rest of it was solid.

This is a well-acted and cast show. The photography is excellent. I love the mix of '40's attitudes and knowledge (plutonium? I have it here in my pocket). It seems to capture the desperation to create the "gadget" and the govt's need to control information realistically. Add a bit of sex and it's a fun show.

This makes NO SENSE.

Rob Liefeld

It makes sense, and might be the first time splitting the end of a "trilogy" (of phases) actually makes sense.

Has to be someone from the greatest sci-fi franchise of all time!!

Sure, Palpatine fell down a huge shaft in Return of the Jedi, but we never saw a body.

You mean you don't want a polka dot laptop used solely for the purpose of buying polka dot shoes?