Chum Joely

Don't get me wrong— that decision definitely hurt, a lot. But seriously… am I really going to let all of our friends and family die for that? How do you live with the guilt? And what happens the first time Chloe and Max get in a fight or something?
Also she specifically tells me not to save the town for her. I honored

Well said!

I own both games and finished the first one, but never got past the first 45 minutes of Infamous 2. I just packed up all my PS3 games for the move but I'm glad somebody out there is still playing it… it catches my eye every time I open the big drawer o' games…

Transistor is awesome. I've gotta go back and do that NG+ sometime too. Enjoy!

Now see, I also just finished Life is Strange and I can't really imagine making the choice you did. I mean, after the foreshadowing in the alternate Chloe timeline— even ends with the same "don't forget me" line and then the scene in Max's Nightmare Diner where everyone begs you not to kill them, plus Chloe herself

Happy to be able to share a What Have You Finished This Week? with y'all as well. In fact, there are two of them…

Kids are out of town, I've got next week off of work, and I think we already have the upper hand on this whole "get ready move to another country by next weekend" scheme. So yes, I have some gaming plans. (Especially since my backlog is now so immense that I've decided I have to finish 5 games for every new one I buy—

I tried to convince Stew to do a Life is Strange playthrough with only headshots, but he wouldn't do it…

I think I know the one you mean. Frustrating.

Wow, it's been a long time since I've done one of these. After two very long weeks of kids being home all day, every day after school let out for the summer, they are finally off with their grandparents for a month, and I have a bit more time for gaming! (Until I get overwhelmed by the gigantic move back to the US at

Hmm, I haven't checked in on that in a while. Last I recall was a few months ago when I asked whether I would indeed getting a free print copy of the English version of the Zelda book, and the translation project manager was all, "Yep, they tell me the books were ordered today, shouldn't be long!" Perhaps some sort of

I am super excited about gaming in 2017. That even includes Mass Effect: Andromeda, which I liked well enough (though it has utterly failed to hook me in the way the original trilogy did), but I simply don't have time to play. And that's the thing: In general, gaming has been incredibly hard to get to because the

Sounds to me like you've found a winning strategy. This would clearly be the best way to go if you had to do such a thing in real life.

Glad to hear that people are still checking this out since the Gameological discussion has been slow to get started. I do want to talk about this, it's just sufficiently different from everything else I've played recently that I am finding it hard to get into.

I've made it to the final battle two or three times on Normal. Why I felt that I needed to switch to Hard this time, I don't know. But maybe now when I eventually retreat back to Normal, it will feel Easy by comparison, as it were.

Damn it, now I am going to have to add Prey to my wishlist. Thanks a whole lot, Merve.

Count us in on the list of "bought a 3DS for Pokémon" (Sun & Moon). Naturally, my son hated the game (too slow, apparently?). But now we have a 3DS so I can play Mario Kart, so there's that. Kid is gradually getting into Super Mario World 3D a little bit. At some point I will actually play this copy of Majora's Mask

Ha, you are correct on all counts. Apparently the show is based on the game. And don't feel like a loser for that observation, it is also the very first impression I had when I went to their website to learn about the game. "Goodness, this young elven warrior is missing a lot of parts from her dress… and her battle

I actually still haven't played it but it's on my list for whenever I have money for a new console and time for more longer games like that.

Good insight. I've definitely had a certain "Groundhog Day" feeling with certain games that expect you to fail a lot (XCOM, Hotline Miami, FTL etc.), but beyond that, I haven't dived back in to enough games multiple times for that to kick in.