Chum Joely

Absolutely! I loved the similar mechanic in Transistor from the same studio, which is even more interesting in that each of the boosts can be assigned to an active or passive slot which changes its exact effect. I think I remember that different ones also work together in interesting ways as well. So you can combine

So did you know the person who texted this to you or was it a random "let's text this number and see what they think about Baby Mario"?

Yeah, I had a run of lots of POTG but that was when I was playing a couple hours every single day for a couple of months. Nowadays, my basic reflexes are still there but I still make stupid mistakes often enough, especially with ults.

I never quite "got" it (e.g. even hooking up a wire to a light seemed like a pain in the ass). Was it you that posted a picture here a while back with a giant building with like 80 Power Armors in it? If not, it could easily have been one of my Steam friends who are equally obsessed with the settlement building aspect.

Noted. I go in and out of Overwatch (and right now I am kind of out), but more friends is more fun. "Competent" is a good word for me as a player, I am level 80 and main D.Va but also play a fair amount of Lucio, Junkrat and Pharah. I need to spread out to some other characters though.

OMG. 1150 hours. Wow.

Just got around to reading the actual article above in more detail, and Thumper looks completely insane. Kind of like an evil version of Child of Eden, which was my favorite "arcade" experience for a while there. So that one just went to the top of my Steam wishlist.

I hear you. From what I've played of it so far, I think I liked the exploration angle more than you did (although admittedly I'm still on one of the early worlds— Hoth Voeld, or whatever it's called), so that might make it less painful. Also, inexplicably, I don't mind Peebee.

The worst is that they travel in packs with their little buff buddies (Mechtoids have Sectoids powering up their shields, Cyberdiscs have drones doing repairs). On this run, I definitely learned the value of strategic withdrawal to arrange a situation where I can put 3 or 4 soldiers on just one of those gangs, and

Nope, just the two cyberdisc deaths from my post, a recruit who got killed by an EXALT rocket on my first EXALT mission when I was very stupid about my initial deployment, a Mechtoid plasma blast, and a particularly nasty one where my backup MEC trooper got shot down by his own Support team while she was under alien

Yeah, I might try Chum Jr. out on that one, at least on "No Sweat" mode.

Yeah, Hotline Miami 2 will grow on you. And that ending is amazing. I bought the soundtrack and I still crank that tune ("Fahkeet") as high as it will go whenever it comes up on my phone.

Glad you're recovering from the Andromeda fiasco. At some point you said you couldn't remember what a good game was like anymore.

Now for What Have You Finished This Week… One that was on my backlog for a long time: Bastion. I'm sure I've got nothing really new to add, since the game's been around for a number of years, but… wow. Pretty to look at, gorgeous soundtrack (I especially love the sitar-inflected tune that inevitably means it's about

I've got a fair amount of work this weekend, but one thing I know for sure is that I'll be finishing up my first-ever Ironman run of XCOM: Enemy Within (Normal difficulty). I just whipped through the EXALT base and then shot down the "Overseer" UFO as well almost immediately afterwards, but then I had to actually go

don't forget the Rhymenocerous

I have played PaRappa The Rapper exactly once, with an old college acquaintance ("friend" isn't quite the word) who had recently moved to San Francisco after I had already been living in Oakland for a few years for grad school. That man's name: BitTorrent inventor Bram Cohen.

Oh yeah, z m fucker, the famous poet.

Then what were you like after that? Inquiring minds are like, "We want to know!"

Cool, now we're talkin'!