Chum Joely

Yeah, I had to laugh at the downside being "I won't get around to it for a month". Dude, I've got multiple games that I've been just about to get to for two years or more. And the crazy part is, I've bought like 5 new games this month alone. Someone help me stop this backlogging addiction.

Warning: Video games are not real life. Duly noted.

Yeah, actually that non-linearity is one of the aspects I like best, although at this exact moment (trying to close out the "Arrest" chapter), it's making me feel like that much more of an idiot when I can't figure out how to take a blood swab, find an altar for the Book of the Dead, open the fridge in the sewer,

I am not a completionist by any means (although I might be if I were more competent at games than I am), but your experience with Dishonored 2 sounds positively infuriating.

Thanks for inspiring me to get Late Shift (it just looked so cool when the purchase popped up on your Steam timeline). I think you'll have fun with it. Let me know if you manage to get a good ending— I think I may have inadvertently gotten the worst possible one right off the bat, which is kind of my style with such

For some reason, I'm bummed to see mega ME-fans like yourself so down on the game. It's true, though, it's just missing that certain something— like it was trying so hard to check all the boxes for 60 HOURS OF SANDBOX CONTENT etc. that it forgot what makes Mass Effect what it is. (Also, having a completely different

We all have that list. Mine is incredibly long too.

Well, my excitement for Mass Effect: Andromeda fizzled out and I kind of backed off of games for a while, but now I'm back trying a smörgåsbord of different games. Here's what's on the menu:

I am a puzzle-game fan and I seem to recall getting this free on PlayStation Plus and quitting after the first screen. I had literally no idea what the hell I was supposed to do. Maybe it was a bad night.

I actually played it on PC, and didn't really realize at the time it was meant for mobile until I ran into a few puzzles that made no sense with M&KB controls (there was one with, like, coordinating multiple waterfalls or something that was especially infuriating).

Although I understand your sense of boredom after the first hour, I agree with @disqus_irTQEzIO41:disqus — it's worth it to stick through it. I can't say that it explodes into some amazing epiphany of awesomeness at the end, but it does a few creative things that are worth experiencing. (Kind of like Brothers in that

I read somewhere that most federal courts (including the current Supreme Court) are quite sympathetic to the argument that the current gerrymandering is unfair, but they have been reluctant to actually rule that action has to be taken to change it because there is no clearly objective standard to demonstrate


Um, also Maggie Gyllenhaal? Hello?

^^^^^ This advertising device: More cultured and healthy (and better at its job) than Alex Jones.

Thanks, based on that I am going to go back and watch it again. Because to be honest, I never really "got" the Stargate bit. I mean, I think I understood the narrative point, but as a film-watching experience, I found it uninspiring to say the least… but the rest of the film was enough to make up for that.

Haven't been following JJ— does "midway" mean "midway through the first season" (there's a 2nd, right?) or something else? In S1, I got as far as the big confrontation where what's-her-name (Carrie-Anne Moss) screws everything up when they were just about to stick it to Killgrave. Somehow, I stopped following it right

Hm… To try 13 Reasons Why or not… The comparison to Life is Strange has piqued my interest for sure. But can I muster up the energy to watch x episodes of teen drama? I start a ton of shows and never finish them…

My pop culture has been a bit reduced this weekend because my kids had no school Thursday and Friday (and I didn't realize this until Tuesday), thereby splintering my work-at-home schedule across four days that should have been handled before Friday night rolled around.

Note to self: Get around to reading my wife's copy of The Woman in the Dunes that's been hanging out on the bookshelf since college graduation 20 years ago.