Chuko Kpolugbo

I know the best words.

I'm pretty sure he was just writing words that happened to form sentences. I can't seem to derive any meaning from it.

And then I built a nuclear reactor.

Is it misogynist to question whether a woman could play a misogynist? (That's only half rhetorical; I'm honestly not quite sure.)

Complete the following: "[Blank] and [Blank] are making a [Blank] cinematic universe"

What's a Ludlum, and why does it need a universe? (And no, I won't read the article.)

That header's a pretty low resolution.

The exact same could be said of Trump.

Many terrorist groups, like ISIL, are. I'm not saying populism is good or bad, (I will say that ISIL is bad,) but it is populism.

I'd argue that the current populists on the other side of the narrow sea are the Sons of the Harpy. Dany may have been a populist when she rallied against slavery, (or she may have just been using the cause to gain power,) but Sons of the Harpy are the ones currently feeling disenfranchised in having most of their

I'm not; I'm saying she's not like that.

I think that's more a description of the high sparrow, (who is pretty much the Bernie Sanders of Westeros). Dany plays by the rules; it's just that she's a much more even tempered leader than anyone else who was recently competing for the iron throne, (and she doesn't like slavery.)

She's taken up the controversial position of not liking slavery. Also; kind of off topic, but I found it funny how blatantly the writers wanted the viewers to dislike the Khals, that they made them threaten to gang rape her, which was pretty out of character for the guy who said it was forbidden to have sex with her.

I haven't read the books in a while, but I seem to recall that she at least depended quite a bit less on her advisors in ASOIAF.

I assume this is snark, but I've honestly not seen any complaints.

Am I the only one that found the last scene to be kind of stupid? The show seems to be establishing her more as a character who burns herself out of bad situations, where in the books she's actually a smart leader.

The AV Club seems to have turned into Clickhole.

I'd imagine the attack of the second sword was cut in half, and he loses the defence of a shield.

The internet went full Spike Lee.

But I still haven't seen the first six The Magnificent films.