
Ed Sheeran looks like the kind of guy you'd see waiting in line to meet Ed Sheeran.

That was the exact vibe I got with Jo and Alex! It was like she kept starting to say something, and for some reason it felt like that's what she was going to say.

Does anyone else feel like Amos is way too young? I feel like there would be less confusion around his and Naomi's relationship if he was (as I always imagined him), a good 15 years older than Naomi. Though looking into it now, that assumption on my part doesn't actually seem to be based on much.

Yeah there is certainly a way to critique a television program respectfully but in this case it just seems to amount to "WAAAH THEY DON'T AGREE WITH ME."

I don't think zipperblog is saying that there is no character development on the show, but is referring to the peculiar phenomenon on this show where sometimes previous character development is just randomly forgotten, and we'll get an episode where (for example) Sheldon acts like Sheldon of 4 seasons ago for no

Have you tried something like roll20? I've only played RPG's online once (I'm blessed with a couple of good nearby regular groups, so I get to play at a table twice a week) and I understand that dice are fetish objects, but it seems to me that going with an online RNG would be easier that rolling physical dice when

The fact that you think the dice are random *proves* that you've never played. Any true D&D player knows that dice can be influenced using a complex series of rules and rituals, such as always sitting them face up, storing away 'lucky' dice for important rolls, and occasionally scaring them into submission. A friend