
Not sure who to be more irritated with - the driver for having such a shitty car AND playing music that loud during an Uber ride, or the rider for spelling ‘steering wheel’ as ‘stirring wheel’ in their post.

Everyone is always forgetting about the TV show, which wasn’t great but was better than any of the post-T2 movies.

But without Spy Kids Tracker, I won’t know when the next Spy Kid’s movie comes out.

Canceling on such short notice? That’s...

Best line:

Now playing

Sounds like Burt Reynolds’ The End which ended up being one of his biggest flops.

But you can't spell America without Erika!

I discovered Mad Magazine when I was 10 years old in 1972. Because my parents thought Mad was a bad influence and didn’t want me reading it, I’d have to sneak down to the grocery store to buy an issue each month for 35¢ (CHEAP).

I thought House of a 1000 Corpses was the good one.

I’d like to propose Carla Azar as S-K’s new drummer. She’s a monster. 


I’d kill to hear him talk about “Whiteout”. That’s one of my favorite graphic novels (I even did an e-mail interview with Steve Lieber about it), and that production was such a clusterfuck (THREE directors!). There has to be a good story there.

That’s NOT Carol Anne!!’

Anytime I hear someone say they won’t eat leftovers, I know two things: their mom didn’t work, and they had plenty of money growing up.

This interview is way brief. Where’s Poltergeist III?

DJ Khaled is a joke. All he does is sample a hit song, then barely remixes it and has an top artist sing over the beat while he yells “we da best.” I’m glad Tyler the Creator, a guy who wrote and produced his entire album on his own, and didn’t have a major label backing him with a huge PR push, beat this no talent

DJ Khaled doesn't like going down on anything, and that includes the Billboard charts. 

Now playing

Meanwhile, let’s enjoy this fine ditty from
Rob Zombie and The Trammps