
The trick is to just stand at the net and flick the Wiimote back and forth really fast. Unbeatable.

Or if Ghostbusters uses “Yes, it’s true. This man has no dick.”

If they put one out for Heathers called “I love my dead gay son” I might pick it up otherwise I’ll pass.

Everything in the picture is a Blu-ray, not a DVDs. But yeah, I guess DVDs are stupid for existing. What kind of a-hole wants to buy physical media when .01% of all media is available on streaming services?! You dumb sillies ought to be ashamed of yourselves for buying things, says a culture geared toward convincing


We’re all stars now / In the Pope Show

Uh, Perfect Harmony also has Anna Camp, thankyouverymuch!

Not everyone is coming back..... unless they turn it into“Walking Dead 90210".

this is the stupidest goddamn thing i’ve seen on this website, and I watched the entire video of Barry killing himself with scrambled eggs.  fuck

Hang on, just got to grab my ice cream maker...

oh... I meant never forget Steve Harvey buys his clothes from the discount joke shop.


Harry Strickland, a name that sounds like the greatest insurance agent in all of the Seven Kingdoms

It was the first time I saw Michael Caine in a comedy, but after Glenne Headly’s scene stealing in Making Mr Right.

I feel when they lost Matt Tong on drums they lost a lot of the energy that made Silent Alarm (particularly Pioneers) so great.
What he brought was an almost John Stanier from Battles level percussion, that made those tunes drive on.

Algiers is fantastic. Saw them last year and they blew me away. Got my album signed by Matt as well.

Yeah I really enjoy Four. one of my favorite albums from that year. Which is when I rediscovered Bloc Party. I had a musical blackout from 2007-2010 apparently so I missed the two albums inbetween. I love those as well. “Flux” is an all time favorite of mine.

I love Bloc Party. I coincidentally queued up Silent Alarm this morning before seeing this article. It had been a while since I’ve heard it. I mostly like everything they’ve done. I didn’t realize their other albums were maligned (Four apparently so much that the author forgot that it came in out in 2012, only three

Where are these $5 whores of which you speak?