Chuckwalla Fer Dinner!

Fuck it. Go full on Silver Streak and crash that bitch full speed head-on into the dock (station)!!

I grew up in the far far West suburbs. Anything east of Haggerty is the white ghetto to me.

You’re also attracted to women that are small on top with plenty of width on the bottom.

Some Billy Bob in Livonia, MI has a 1980s Camaro body on what is probably an S-10 frame.

Nice one...but would a Volvo XC90 body fit on a JK Unlimited frame? Hellcat that bitch!

That is funny. Now, put in the 3-cyl Geo Metro engine I modified for a series hybrid vehicle as my engineering senior design project...

Is this the new Camaro Bumblebee has more ground clearance than a Jeep Renegade package? Not a good angle.

Not on this car that I can recall. This is all about rear toe settings. Maybe the bushings are overly compliant and caused increased toe-in on accel.

These foreigners around me think a 200k mile faded 7-series buys class. They are better than me driving a $3500 American car was just under $50k. I feel so ashamed.

Danny McBride farts in your general direction.

Don’t bother. We can use my 8mm film video camera and my Mamiya film TLR medium format for the stills. It shoots square!

Go back and read stuff from the early 1990s...or do a little research before posting your “facts”...

You do realize that age and exposure “wear out” certain parts even with little use? Rubbers, plastics...

I’m white and my black wife still f’s my small turbo dick must be able to hang with the....

I wonder if dinosaurs had dildos.

Sorry, my mistake ;)

I have my SHO daily driver and a Mustang GT Conv. weekend car. People stop me all the time to ask about my Mustang exhaust...the SHO will smoke the Mustang with 12 year old OE Gatorbacks...slow and good sounding, or low end torque and quick sprints in traffic?

You do realize the DI/PFI setup on a 17MY 3.5 Eco is way beyond the tech involved with a 5.4 super? Like comparing dinosaurs to dildos.

FCA Ram?

The red cheeks??? His girlfriend bitch slap him a few time for the goofy truck?