See, this is why the crew of the Serenity couldn't completely defeat the gorram Reavers. They didn't have a 200+ year old reincarnation of a Washington Irving story on their crew…
See, this is why the crew of the Serenity couldn't completely defeat the gorram Reavers. They didn't have a 200+ year old reincarnation of a Washington Irving story on their crew…
Maybe the creator of the game was jealous because she only won second place in the beauty contest, fell down on her face and was immediately assessed for street repairs, $40 for each house, $115 for each hotel.
Let's see… Chuck Berry's "You Never Can Tell" - to Phish's "Contact" - to Meghan Trainor's "All About That Bass…"
Didn't they do this same plotline with Summer Glau a few years ago, where the cast members were on a train and had the opportunity to approach Summer Glau and talk to her? Plotline recycling… heck, maybe they can ask the guy how he felt about working with Emma Stone on that hit Fox series Drive. Whatever happened to…
There was one other issue with Playmakers that the reviewer skipped over, and it involved the reporter character played by Thea Andrews. At the time, Andrews was a reporter for ESPN's morning show Cold Pizza, and there were concerns that her "reporting" duties were being blurred with her "acting" duties in the show. …
Technically, wouldn't all the AIP "Beach Paty" movies be in a shared universe anyway? I mean, they all starred Frankie Avalon and Annette Funnicello…
It's Mrs. Patmore, not Matmore.
Mike Tyson Mysteries - let's see how many Hanna-Barbera 70's shows we can spot here. Funky Phantom (Marquess of Queensbury). The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan (Yung Hee). Jabberjaw (the Pigeon). And by extension, since Mr. T was a Ruby-Spears project, and Ruby-Spears evolved from Hanna-Barbera…
Yeah, even some of the actors who played ancillary characters have also passed away - including John Sylvester White (Mr. Woodman) and Debralee Scott (Rosalie "Hotsie" Totsie).
Diane: still working off those microtapes.
The members of Boston think that Pink Floyd took too long to make a new album.
Suddenly I have this inate desire to go rent some Lauri Antonelli films…
When I was a kid, my nickname was Charlie. Which meant that I had to deal with Choo-Choo Charlie, the mascot from those old "Good 'n Plenty" commercials." That was palpable compared to the merciless teasing that went with Revlon's stinkwater perfume with the jingle, "And they call it, Char-leeee!"
There must be at least 1,941 reasons why this would work.
While it hasn't worked with sitcoms, there have been US-Canadian dramatic success stories - "Due South" was the first IIRC, "Flashpoint" and "Rookie Blue" were others.
And somewhere in that dark night, Kit Williams is screaming about how James Frey stole his idea.
In a perfect world, Kome Kome Club would have achieved world domination. Yeah, I know they're not J-Pop idol music, but hey…
Hmm… very little mention of how the Western survived in the 80's and 90's, especially with Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman and (Guns of) Paradise and Lonesome Dove. And of course, the western-sci fi mashups of CBS's Outlaws (gunslingers travel into our present to form a detective agency) and Fox's The Adventures of Brisco…
I wonder if it's too late to do a Klaatu miniseries… I mean, weren't they the Canadian Beatles or something?