Jesus tap dancing Christ, these people.
Jesus tap dancing Christ, these people.
They should say, without that $7 million Trump owes us, we can’t provide security for his usurpation of the annual July 4rth affair. Tell him to fuck off if we don’t get reimbursed and the needed information.
Lots of cheese, onion, ketchup, pickles. Medium well. A bun that isn’t going to faint away like a tubercular Victorian heroine, please.
Are we ordering?
“I don’t do cover-ups.”
Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.
As much as I am appalled by trump’s usurpation of a nonpartisan non political event, it is a Fourth of July celebration. I am a bit concerned about protests (reasonable though they may be) for such an event. Republicans, trump’s hateful base and government media will miss the subtlety (many of them purposely ) to…
No way it’s open to the public.
“In response, it seems, the White House established a clear — if nearly impossible — standard: no credentials to any journalist who is not in the building on at least 90 out of the previous 180 days.”
so now what? is that it? he just gets away with it?
You underestimate my P O W E R
Why isn’t he going after the makers of these?
I don’t have a problem with this, we should be taking these tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free; the homeless and tempest tossed. Hey, that’s catchy, we should put that on some sort of statue.
what in the actual fuck.
You think he’s waking up? I suspect he’s been up all night. And by “up” I mean high as fuck.
Look, I know you flat-out don’t like him, but I’m sorry, he’s quite clearly not in early-stage dementia.
Go on, explain to me how he’s not in early-stage dementia. I’ll sit here and wait.
Two amazing things here
Keeping American secure is a lot easier when have good relations with neighboring countries. Pointlessly picking a fight with Mexico is making our country less secure. Even dumb assholes who hate brown people should be able to understand that. Want to be sure that Mexico stops cooperating with us on drugs,…
This, sadly, does not mean they won’t still vote for him because a racists, sexist currupt asshole is ‘still better than a democrat”