
So sick of this ignorant, evil clown and all his dissembling minions with their violent, predatory personality disorders #TrumpLiesMatter

But for real, thanks Obama. 

She doesn’t care what any of us think. We are the peasants; she is the gentry. She, more than any other member of the Trump administration (saying a lot), is determined to establish an honest to god official aristocracy in the US.

Mueller has completed his job and is done no matter what. There’s no need to fire him. The special counsel has completed it’s task and is done. What would you expect Mueller to do after this?

Color me cynical. This is going to be a complete dud, and the biggest disappointment felt by a liberal since my wife first saw me naked.

Monique... That 6th paragraph was a masterpiece! And summed up my antipathy for McCain and Trump. Well done!

Absolutely. Moreover, it’s honestly one of the best ways to learn the language in earnest. I just got back from Mexico a few days ago, and not only did I receive generally better service whenever I opted for ordering in Spanish, but by the end of the trip (with the help of maybe 15-20 minutes per day using duo lingo

Absolutely this! I went to visit my brother in Germany a number of years ago and made a point to try my damnedest to speak as much of the language as I could (to the point of getting my German sister-in-law to teach me how to ask ‘What is this in German,’ and similar phrases). I’d been told that the people would be

Yeah, I live in a foreign country, and I can only really say “hi” in the language (which is “gamarjorba,” for the record.). And I’ve only been here for a few weeks, and it’s my third country in three years, so cut me some slack for only knowing one word. But if I go to the store, or go out, I will always say

Agree with this approach: making an earnest effort to communicate in their language and being patient with the waitstaff’s efforts to understand you and confirm your order goes a long way.

Incidentally, you mention “a smile goes a long way”—that’s actually one of the hallmarks of an American that singles us out abroad.

Is this really that difficult to figure out? Just do both.

Only thing from trump I want is his painful demise.

I don’t want Trump’s thoughts and prayers, thank you very much.

I was all ready to say something snarky in the comments until I saw that the dude is a Vietnam vet and the restaurant is his comfort and now I’m like “man, whatever gets you through.”

I don’t think most Americans, in their heart, want to be given something. I’ve spent a lot of time traveling around this country over the last 4 years. People want to work for what they get.

Feckless says what again?

This kid is suffering from a bad case of Backpfeifengesicht 

I really wish one of his targets would just respond with “Shut the fuck up you fat assed, sausage fingered, orange skinned, rat haired, Russian puppet.”

Why wasn’t it an emergency when Mexico was going to pay for it? Why wasn’t it an emergency until now? If there is a national emergency at the southern border, SHAME on Trump for waiting over a year to declare it as such.

I mean, will any reprimand even come of this?