Chuck's Space Blanket

The acting, especially by the three leads and other great supporting roles as well, is the only thing keeping me with this show right now. The writing is all over the place. Just such strange writing choices all around considering Masters & Johnson just published a book!

It should have built, at least in part, to the first book release. But, nope, nearly all of that's been ignored.

The repetition of the line actually made me physically ill.

Who said Rectify is depressing and bleak - a particular critic or a friend maybe? I don't see the series like that all. Of course it's a "heavy". Though it's so much more than just being depressing. The series is so painful because of the juxtaposition of moments of hope and optimism. Of course the refrain I think of

Apparently Adelaide Clemens and Clayne Crawford created a backstory for their characters. Clemens felt Tawney came from a "broken home" or foster care. They may give some more of that exact backstory to Tawney this year.

It's not that I'm unsympathetic to Ian. I know first hand the devastation bipolar disorder can cause. It's not a free pass to act criminally, however. He did steal a helicopter, right? I don't know. The whole Ian-Goes-AWOL storyline is pretty dumb and it's one of the few I would've been fine with Shameless dropping

Oh, yea, I totally get what you mean. Ian is nothing more than collateral damage in this war Sammi's waged against Fiona. What Sammi did was malicious. On the other hand, the fact that Ian's actually guilty makes me less sympathetic to him.

I agree with everything except one thing: Ian wasn't taken away for something he didn't do. He's guilty as sin.