
Could go back earlier. It’s Blade’s original origin story in the comics. Deacon Frost bits his mother as she’s giving birth. He becomes immune to vampire bites. Originally, that, and the ability to smell vampires, were his only powers. The Daywalker stuff came much later.

I think it must have been at least a few hours. She seemed to be running during the evening and they came once it was pitch black out. She’s also holding a knife to her own throat, so I think she’s using the singing kinda like how brain surgeons will keep people awake during surgery to make sure they don’t hit the

Was thinking this .TGWATG was being written before the game was released , and word of god is that Mike Carey didn’t know about the PS3 game until after the book was released, so its probably a genuine coincidence triggered by news articles that cropped up about cordyceps a few years before.

Marlene’s explanation of Ellie’s ‘gift’ is that within her is something that makes the fungus think she is one of them, but this isn’t true: she’s been attacked multiple times by zombies. Either she’s lying to Joel for whatever reason or her information is bad, I’m not certain.

I think what Disney doesn’t really understand is that Star Wars fans, young and old, love the existing media and are fairly content to watch and re-watch the movies/shows they loved, and collect toys and merch based on that, without needing something “fresh and new” every couple months.

This article really struck a chord with me. I grew up during the 80s and 90s when outright beating and killing LGBTQ+ folks, even kids, was just how things were. Most of my friends died, either to suicide or abuse, or violence of some other kind. I myself was beaten, attacked, shot at, stabbed, left to die. I tried to

I can tell you as someone who knows all western men, it’s very concerning.  Nobody out there having kids any more!

LOL, I will pay $2000 for the creator of this game to get in to a boxing ring with me. No? Didn’t think so.

This reads like a shittier, updated version, of “My Struggle"...

Most western men today are feminine......... men are pathetic, weak, and incapable of taking the lead.

But didn’t you read the full article? He did his own research!

This whole effort is absolutely drenched with self-awareness.

It’s basically a script at this point.

All the time with this weaksauce shit.

I love how "I like to do my own research" has become such a convenient shorthand for me to instantly dismiss the person saying it as a complete fúcking moron.

came here to say this!

Street Sharks! They bite!

Was just typing out a comment about the existence of that episode and thought, I better scroll down to see if anyone already mentioned it. Low and behold. I’d never heard of this movie until I listened to that episode, it’s my kind of stupid.