I’m probably in the minority, but I enjoyed the show. Not that I caught it frequently. I wish they had published a podcast of it.
I’m probably in the minority, but I enjoyed the show. Not that I caught it frequently. I wish they had published a podcast of it.
He’s still in the credits on IMDb. Unfortunately.
Saw this article elsewhere and thought the same thing.
At least Cousins’ turned around and helped the girl. More than can be said for many sideline collisions these days.
Nominated: 2016 World’s Crappiest Phone Video
I just discovered Hidden Citizens who basically do this for a living.
Speaking of tits...
Your personal anecdotes out of a stadium of 30,000+ is absolutely a small sample size. There were almost certainly fights in the stands at the very game you and your kids attended, just not in the section near you.
100 Grand SHOULD be in the Top 5. Mounds/Almond Joy is not bad.
...to begin digging through the cache of emails sent by top aide Huma Abedin to Weiner, her estranged husband, from Clinton’s private server.
Just like he never said ‘check out sex tape.’
It’s all fun and games until someone wipes out half the people in a village when losing it in a turn.
“In several places in the notebook she wrote ‘New York, New York’.
Use a pickle barrel.
The death of Princess Diana is the first major news event I learned about on-line; as opposed to TV, newspaper, radio, or a friend.
Ditto for me. That and the Apollo-Soyuz mission.
Wow, that takes a lot of balls, uh, I mean... What nerve!
Maybe you never saw him play right field for the Mariners and nail baserunners at third repeatedly. An amazing outfielder.
Aronberg also acknowledged that Donald Trump personally called the SA’s office and urged them “to do the right thing.”