
In 12 or 16 years from now, when Twitter is running Federal Elections (with “Promoted Posts”), we’ll look back and see how groundbreaking the Sanders Twitter-horde was.

Ask Howard Dean.

His first act in office could still be to eliminate the superdelegation

We only accept it because the Democratic Party is doing it. If the GOP gave a small delegation 10,000 times as much power as the general electorate, we’d complain.

It happened in 2008 when, once again, Hillary Clinton was “the chosen one”

I was thinking the same. Is he getting paid by InBev?

Why not, it’s sorta maybe worked for Denis Erickson.

Presumably. The ET would be jettisoned a few seconds after main engine cutoff (MECO). Since the orbiter was no longer under thrust, the ET would fly underneath for several minutes as it gradually lost altitude.

I was next the VAB for STS-1, and on the causeway for STS-5. I watched with my father from the Gulf Coast when STS-51-L exploded in the sky on a very cold January day in 1986. In 1991, I watched Columbia on top of the SCA depart MacDill Air Force base in Tampa on it’s journey towards refurbishment.

My impression was that the author was trying to say that the STS program sucked up much more money in the NASA budget than originally intended, thus preventing/limiting the development of longer-range manned spacecraft.

Boeing was the prime contractor, with GM supplying major mobility components, assembled by Boeing.

Yep, as I watched, I wondered if I'd be able to recognize the airport, and sure enough, I did. Flew in and out of Paine (KPAE) many times. I even declared an emergency around the same spot at the end of that video. Departing 34L one dark night around 2006 the engine of my C182S started to rattle badly and I was

The old tower at Teterboro is a sentimental favorite for me. Not because it's beautiful or anything, but because my father would take me up there in the 70's and we'd watch the planes take off and land. Started me on my life-long love of aviation...

Can you provide an example please of a "system dialog" that is broken at 1920x1080?

Oh yeah, get rid of the guy who got you into Super Bowl twice and lost it with one play at the goal line. Let's fire him and replace him with, ummm, hmmm, how about that that Doug Marrone fella? Is he still looking for work?

It's not the speed, it's the talent. He could've easily maintained that speed on that road. The more dangerous drivers are the thousands of Camrys crashing in convenience stores or people texting and looking at their touchscreen phones while driving.

Wow, you woke up on the wrong side of the...