
The term Fair Game is used to describe policies and practices carried out by the Church of Scientology towards people and groups it perceives as its enemies. Founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, established the policy in the 1950s, in response to criticism both from within and outside his organization.[1][2]

Wonder if she knows that L. Ron Hubbard described himself as the anti-christ? But wait! Unless you are OT8, nothing will be revealed.

Greenshot is your friend.

I have the same issue. The police unions, which to the police officers belong to, defend the people who murder others. So until the police as a whole are willing to clean up their shit (and I have not seen anything to indicate that they will), they are all complicit. And their “warrior” mentality is just more proof

The Windsors are from German stock. The Russian Tsars were the ones with it.

When we set the upper limit of PC-DOS at 640K, we thought nobody would ever need that much memory. — William Gates, chairman of Microsoft

Not a surprise about National. Even today they just bury their head in the sane when it comes to issues at the Council level. We had one bad Scout Executive who was more interested in playing Scout Executive than being one. We took our concerns to National. What did they say? “Too bad, your problem”. 

Willing to bet that it is more about getting back sephora than it is about actually getting an education.

I was wondering the same thing. You have to reload the taser after firing so how could she have gotten his taser and then fired it at him since it would have been spent.

Still whitewashing Jesus...

Happy Endings! Forget that! Dub Dub on The Middleman!

Reminds me of another time...

Which then begs the question of why do you come to this site if everything is a lie? And this is not the only site that this is being reported on. And how the hell does “If it weren’t my daughter I would love that scenario,” Carlson responds.”  get taken out of context?

Her Dad was an Enron exec. That should speak volumes about her character.

I was thinking about this and anyone who Mitch McConnell endorses has to be a sack of shit. The man symbolizes the worst traits of America,

They swore an Oath to the Constitution, not Trump. Big difference. Reminds me of when Hitler took over, he made everyone swear an Oath to Adolph Hitler, not the German Constitution as it was before. You just can’t escape comparing Trump to Hitler, even on a slow news day.

We apologize again for the fault in the investigation. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked.

I don’t ever really refer to them as the GOP as they do not resemble anything the GOP has stood for in the past. I think of them more as the Christian Conservative party. Way more accurate.

They know it, they just choose to cherry pick whatever they are trying to prove. The Evangelical Christian Right led by that fu**tard Mitch McConnell are doing more to destroy America than Trump. Trump distracts and the GOP passes things.

But the Catholic Church abolished Purgatory. And to apply Man’s beliefs on who God does and does not love is insane. God loves all his children, no exceptions.