
Albert - I have gotten a lot of joy out of your work on this site. Your HitchBot takedown is to this day one of my favorite things I have ever read on the Internet, and your writing is a big part of how I got to be a passionate NBA fan. This piece is all true, and good, and like all of your work, well-written.

When I was a kid, I used to wonder, “What does ESPN stand for?”

The Browns should have responded with a picture of a plane hitting the world trade center.

Hey, Cam, remember how you feel when people ask if a black QB can learn the intricacies of an NFL offense?

For reference:


I think they should get all of the Mikes they can. Mike Lupica, Mike Francesa, Mike Wise, Mike Wilbon, Mike Tyson. Just get them all in the same studio, and call the show What You Deserve For Listening to Sports Radio.


God, it’s like if Trump knew enough about cyber to write a blog.

jia you could stay

Jesus, dude this sucks, I normally like the What Would You Do? show because the scenario always involves actors and, like you said, it’s the bystanders who get to make the choices.

You didn’t have a say or any choice and that was wrong of them. Totally. I’m sorry you were blindsighted and embarrassed, I would be

“Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?”