Chuck Hardin

In other words, you have nothing of substance to add. May your taste buds be moved to your rectum. (And don't lick me as I go by.)

Actually, no. You want me to leave here and stop arguing, i.e., to shut up. Sadly, your argument does boil down to that.

Where do I even start with your ragbag of an argument? That the alleged relative rarity of armed defense is no case for making it less common? That the original argument was that armed citizens do not good at all? That you move the goalposts with every sentence you type? That if you did not have double standards,

When you can't argue logic and you can't argue the facts, yell like hell.

You're unhinged. Get help.

So basically this:

For some reason, I envision you mumbling into an echo chamber.

How about you make an argument or admit you can't, you smug, pathetic idiot.

Your argument sucked and your authority fetish sickens me. If you want to know why things like Ferguson happen, go look in the mirror.

Again, the fight got picked by the gun grabbing ghoul. Learn to read.

So explain, if you are capable. I'm calling your bluff.

So suddenly cops count as citizens? I wish you peeps would get your story straight. Yes, I know, he was an ex-cop, but still.

So you only want to count incidents where someone gets shot, the armed citizen is not an off duty cop, and where the outcome is immaculate? Any other arbitrary constraints you'd like to impose?

If it saves just one person's life to defend themselves with a gun, what then? You gun-grabbing waste of fuck.

I wasn't the one who started that line of argument. If no one here had been an opportunistic ghoul, I wouldn't have gone there. But they did. So I did.

Yes, bandwagons are fun when you're in the majority. They prevent you from needing to think. Just mindlessly follow the crowd. Liberalism means never having to say you're sorry.

Google Joseph Curry in Jacksonville, Florida; Mark Vaughan in Moore, Oklahoma; Joel Myrick in Pearl, Mississippi; Nick MellI in Oregon… I could go on, but given that you'll produce exactly no evidence for your position, why should I?

Such wit and eloquence! Such a command of the facts!

Show me how that happens in reality where concealed carry is legal.

I think it's actually because you can't back your mouth with anything but even more mouth, and you suspect that's not true of me.