Chuck Hardin

Right, that's exactly what I said. No, wait, that was your idiotic strawman.

Yes, it's fine to be human garbage as long as it's toward a socially approved target.

Same here, in fact, yet that somehow didn't affect demands for gun control from libtards.

The evidence so abundant that you cannot cite it? Or are you going to be lazy and claim that England's gun control must surely be responsible for its low gun crime rate, overlooking their long history of a low gun crime rate and their surprisingly high violent crime rate?

Somehow this disaster mainly happens in the imaginations of libtards.

Your self righteousness doesn't make murders preventable, but keep shilling for your panacea. After all, if it saves just one hipster's feelings, it's worth it!

The problem is that every Republican nominee gets called "Hitler". The left called wolf too many times, and it lost its power. Now there's an actual wolf.

I'll dummy one up. It should be easy enough to convince him of its authenticity.

Oh, that's just a bunch of blah blah blah Bob Loblaw —

I guess that's the problem with repressed childhood trauma: It's all repressed and stuff.

It's always amusing when liberals forget that they're supposed to care about fairness.

Why are you afraid of people you don't like getting an equal chance at promoting their views?

The concern about Facebook had everything to do with promoted content and nothing to do with individual posts. Nice diversion, though.

See my remark to Alan Izar. White knights ain't real bright.

Yes, the murder was done by her husband and had nothing to do with her. That'll work.

So their shows are shitty, but it's okay cuz wimminz?

So she's badass because she was going to find a big strong man to deal?

I'm not having that! I'm not British!

I mistype one letter and suddenly I'm not edgy enough. Tough crowd.