Chuck Finley

I see what you did there… Quentin would approve..

The ending to LOST was fine - get over it.

If you think LHO acted alone - I've got a bridge to sell you.

No, he didn't, and no, it wasn't.

See below re: This season of Homeland = Dumpster fire.

Well… I have to say.. that was truly awful. As an episode it did a horrible service to the character of Peter Quinn - and as a finale it spent way too much time teaching Carrie to be a mom (was this Showtime or Lifetime) - I mean wow - just awful all around - don't think I'll be back next year either. There's only

Actually - Review ended on quite the high note for everyone - except for Forrest - Suzanne and Eric moving away from all his nonsense, Grant's promotion, AJ's new show - where she'll take Josh and Tina around the world AND pay them - even Lucille has been making bank as an erotic novelist. Least Forrest is still

What show were you watching? Did you get the point of Review at all? "Call you a romantic?" You seriously thought this show would end with Forrest getting back together with Suzanne and abandoning Review? WOW!

Yeah, I mean Forrest didn't even review getting hit by a car. That's weird..

As a long time fan of MST3K and Doctor Who - I couldn't have asked for anything better - I'm absolutely thrilled that it's The Five Doctors - if I had known before their kickstarter ended, I would have donated even more than I did!


As a Bernie supporter who voted for Hillary - I think you're wrong on both fronts. I would have voted for Biden over Hillary - and actually been good with it - where as I was very unhappy about having to vote for Hillary. Also - if you go to RealClearPolitics website and type in Bernie vs Trump - you'll see in the

There were certainly big hints that Delores was Wyatt in earlier episodes - but nothing fully conclusive…

Correct on both - but if you go to the official Westworld website -you'll see that Westworld itself wasn't the only thing they took over! Also - the fates of The MIB, Elsie, and Chief Security Guy Stubbs are hinted at and one is fully revealed - if you answer The Machine correctly…

Might as well go ahead and show it at beginning of Fear The Blah Blah Blah at this point…

It's either Joe, Keith, or Spencer - hard to tell but I'm pretty positive it's one of those three and not a relative. My bet is Spencer but who knows.. (Jeff Probst gave a hint to the reason for medical being called in his 3 questions with Dalton Ross over at EW and leads me to believe it's NOT due to being hit by

the rocky one is out now

what? who cares?

Hannibal was the best show on tv this year. Did you watch it? Did you watch the finale? If the answer to either of those is no - how can you know it wasn't the best show on tv this/last year - because it was.

Finally - someone gets it right - Hannibal was indeed the best show this year! Absolutely amazing how good it is.