Chuck Cerveny

And hey, wasn't that Vince Gilligan among the applauding well-wishes as Chuck descended the stairs as he left the office/

So, they are sort of like Star Trek movies?

"Parents" by Chris Difford (of Squeeze). Answering machine recording. Tear-jerking.

No, I watched it this morning. All three performances are on there.

The episode is available on Hulu.

The whole episode popped up on Hulu this morning.

Thanks for the nods to Presto, Power Windows, and Press To Play. Nice to know that I'm not the only one that loved these records.

Trump/Hogan 2016!

That's MISS Agent Blondie to you.

What they said.


Bravo, Stray Observation #3! long Live Kate!

Isn't that the face from the cover of the first King Crimson album?