Hello! Aquaculture focused veterinarian here. Tilapia can actually be adapted for salt water, they can even breed in it. I’ve seen it done in a Caribbean fish farm.
Hello! Aquaculture focused veterinarian here. Tilapia can actually be adapted for salt water, they can even breed in it. I’ve seen it done in a Caribbean fish farm.
Maybe it’s time to reevaluate whether or not you want him as a fiance? It’s drastic, I know, but it sounds like he’s fallen down the QAnon hole (with the Biden is a pedophile thing) and I’m not sure that’s the kind of person you would want in your life. This isn’t something that I’m saying to you lightly, but I follow…
It’s always baffling to me the disconnect between how Jezebel commenters view themselves when it comes to race, and how reliabily racist they are EVERY SINGLE TIME a black woman writes her opinion about racism on this site. I never see the commenters more rude, dismissive or patronizing than in the comments section of…
“Trump in particular is a dead man walking, will be out of office in January”
I’ll believe it in January.
If anybody truly wants him out of office, do not listen to the polls or pundits. Go out and vote no matter what!
I wish I had the luxury of prioritizing how “tiresome” the fight for life saving healthcare, access to education, and a decent quality of life is over doing everything I can to support that movement because I desperately need these changes for myself and the people I love. When I hear people avoiding the message and…
“Your job is to write an article about the remake of Mulan cutting a character from the original. But you need not sit through the original movie to write said article. Just read someone else’s article on the subject and riff. ... Oh, and welcome to the Jezebel staff.”
This is a bullshit “feminist” spin, probably in response to the feminist backlash against removing a love interest who is sincerely a good guy and has a kind of Twelfth Night love story that is one of the best ones in any disney movie, and replacing it with this mess:
I mean, some people would say that there’s some sexual tension between Mulan as Ping and Shang, which begs the question, is Shang Disney’s first/only bisexual icon? However, since he didn’t make any advances on Mulan while supervising her and she didn’t ask him to stay for dinner until they were no longer working…
It’s not often that the creator of something is wrong about his own creation.
Why don’t you WATCH the movie like a regular person instead of shitting on something you haven’t seen? Fucking idiot.
I cannot fucking stand this guy. Ambition by itself isn't a virtue, Pete.
Luckily the GOP raised my taxes so I don’t need to worry about a refund.
There is nothing more lame in modern online media coverage than the act of cherry picking a handful of completely batshit tweets from accounts with an extremely low number of followers to provide you a nice target to takedown.
I saw a woman respond to Tlaib’s apology thread on Twitter who called her behavior deplorable. “You realize you’d be nowhere without @HillaryClinton,”
Holy shit, I may just be done with political discourse for the day. That someone actually put their fingers to the keys to type out such inane fuckery as this. WTF. Do…
Thank you for this post. I’m so sick of the media trying to trash Bernie and trying to make “Bernie bros” a thing. I’m a working class latina in a red state and just returned from having to drive to Mexico to buy medication because I’m uninsured. I’m sick of having to do things like this to get by. It’s no surprise…
can you provide any screenshots of a Bernie supporter threatening to kill or dox you? i’m not saying it has never happened but i see people throw this around constantly and have never actually seen proof of it
Huh, I missed the part where I said she should be arrested for speaking.
Stacey Abrams does not support Medicare for All, and last year, she joined the board of directors of the Center for American Progress. As in, Neera Tanden’s organization.