Lukewarm Takes

Just don’t look at her Regina.

The surgery was clearly to insert the tiny bits of bullets, how could you be so foolish?

Doesn’t some langauge have a word for feeling joy at others’ failure?

I believe the German word is “Saskatchewan.”

He’s a member of what we can now call the Derp State.


Nuke the site from orbit...

“Fuck you I got mine and I’m taking yours” is a core GOP value.

This is just what happens when you run around all day chanting “white powder!” They eventually send some to your home.

Pence’s People are looking into a response to your post. Options they are considering:

Fuck that literal mother fucker

I would find it rude not to be. And you know what we do with the rude.

right, it’s like getting flashed unintentionally

He obviously would feel differently had he tried the Szechuan sauce.

Or a loser white man...dame difference.

Releasing the trailer right after the State of the Uniom was perfect marketing.

“to pay Stormy Daniels her bush money.”

“There’s always one fuckhead like you trying to shit in the apple pie. You just shat in the one apple pie that knows how to shit back.”

I don’t know. Ghostbusters 2 surpassed the original in every way.