Lukewarm Takes

Yea, I really like their show because they actually break a lot of these things down.

Intelligence agencies are supposed to be very careful about the information they pick up on (incidentally) when it involves American citizens. Hence, why they are maskedwhen that information is sent to people like Rice. Rice, for her part, looks over that intel, and if she feels it cant be understood without

According to his Tumblr, Cholowski said he would have signed the deal earlier but “mom’s being a real big bitch.”

Tonight - Canadiens @ Red Wings

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.

Did nazi that one coming.

I don’t really think Rondo should be taking shots at Ray Allen over his decision but mainly just because I don’t think he should ever be taking shots.

Now playing

My favorite early section was the Braves being attacked during the proving. Not so much what happened but the Mad Max-esque music playing throughout the encounter.

The flip side is, the older they get the more interactive your time with them becomes, and that’s rad. And then they still want to cuddle up in your lap at the end of the day. Best of both worlds.

Oh man. All of this is so, so true. And when they hit about 8 months you get to double down on all of these rules. The first few months of my sons life were heaven, baby sleeping on my chest while played games. Then he learned to walk. Then he went to one nap a day. Now he’s two and gaming is 100% maybe after he

Can we maybe stop talking about his tweets? There are things that the Republicans are doing everyday that threaten the American way of life. The president’s asinine tweets are the perfect cover as they are both sensational and largely inconsequential. Let’s give it a rest. Please? Our way of life, based on some of our

Chaffetz talks about low-income Americans like they are bratty 10-year-old suburban teens addicted to playing Candy Crush, which I guess explains a lot about why this plan is so bad for them.

Social experiences? Like how you need to download an app on your phone to interact with your friends?

I’ve heard someone actually say that “bullying is part of growing up”, grrrrrrrr hulk want to smash!

“I would never ...” = “I didn’t realize there would be consequences for my actions.” Which is why we are seeing an uptick in racist and anti-Semitic acts; people are getting the message that they can get away with it.

From: Tom Ley

Guy hitting .205 in High-A ball is worried about the wrong Mendoza.

Jesus CHRIST, dude! It’s supposed to be SUBTLE!

Scouts say Reid has great quick-twitch muscle, and Lane is a natural athelete. The scouts are split on Kaepernick, some saying he athletically gifted, some believing he is a student of the game. All agree he was raised a grinder.