Chuck Afterburner

How about when you've a friend or relative who has absolutely no idea what you're talking about when you mention motion smoothing and jacked up looking framerates? You can even show them a side by side comparison and get nothing but a "huh?"

Whatever, they're the lamest, most uninteresting characters in the show. I hope they're both dead by the next episode.

Dune would never work unless allowed at least 12 hours a book, seeing as God Emperor of Dune is the only reason the first three books even exist. To retrain your brain through slight repetition so you can withstand the microcosm a paragraph onslaught that is books four and five, Dune is but a mere starting off point

Is there going to be a scene where a ghost eats some pussy?

Did everyone turn into a prudish nanny and decide to suck over night? Anyone who cannot see the comedic genius of Death Wish 3 and enjoy the shenanigans is a walking turd. People have known your "disturbing" revelations for years as that's the fun of exploitation flicks, if you can't hold Death Wish 3 in the highest

Al has not been good since he shaved his mustache, can the fucking mid life crisis end already? Grow the damn mustache back.

It's whatever, all movies look and taste the same now.

What's wrong with Dario Argento's Suspiria? Fuck you.

Disagree if you may but Tom Cruise would have made a fucking excellent Patrick Bateman