
I was thinking that sales would just be eaten up by the inevitable Tahoe SS, but sure we’ll go with this.

I don’t give a fucking rat’s ass what that actually is, it’s just nasty. Detail it before you pic it, you puss dripping troglodyte.

I actually like the looks of the 124, but I couldn’t imagine actually getting one instead of a Miata. 

You think this is bad, wait till you see what automakers have done with the word “Limited

Words are increasingly bastardized, even outside of the automotive realm. Words like “racist” or “fascist”, for instance, are just thrown out there without consideration for what those words actually mean. In 2019, “racist” and “fascist” typically just mean “I disagree with you”. Occasionally, like “coupe”, the words

Personally, I’d think something like this would be more suitable for ten-year-olds:

What you did is like saying “hmm, I don't want to start vaping because the nicotine is addictive. Better go with meth."

I bought a ‘19 about 5 months ago and picked up an 8 yr/80k extended warranty on it thinking I will sell it to someone like you in 4 years. I understand I will eat significant depreciation but at least should get back what I paid for the warranty on an NPV basis. Best car I have ever owned and have had a number of fun

No, the minute you stop maintaining it it will become yard art.

Yes, of course. It should be crushed and melted down.

“You can’t just peel off the swastikas and pretend nothing happened—that’s not going to help anyone. At the same time, it’s crazy to ignore these cars because of their awful origin stories.”

Way more than 127 were still on the road.  127 is the number that made it home.

Nazi memorabilia is important because the Third Reich is quickly slipping from living memory. Durable products from the Nazi regime serve as far more tangible proof of the darkness that existed, than just some black & white photos in a history book.

Does that mean a car like the Type 64 shouldn’t be collected, because of the potential for glorifying Nazi accomplishments?

Bonhams reports that over 500,000 [MGB] cars were built by the time production stopped in 1980.

Just copying my response to article:

If there ever was a situation where someone should have commented, "I did Nazi that coming"...

Well, glossing over the fact it belongs to a private owner who probably invested quite a bit in owning it in the first place. 

No, auctions start below the reserve, which if I'm not mistaken is secret. That's why some end as "reserve not met".

You are absolutely allowed to buy most military jets. The F-14 is an exception because the US doesn’t want Iran getting its hands on any spare parts.