The 6-series is more desirable than a CL?
The 6-series is more desirable than a CL?
It never made sense to me why driving a vehicle that does not require a driver's license can affect the status of your driver's license.
Your last sentence can easily be applied to public schools also.
I didn't know it was illegal to pass on the shoulder when someone is turning and blocking the road.
Except when the police falsely give out DUI's. See: Washington, DC
In related news, I have been looking at scooters.
Maryland to Florida ~875 miles in 12 hours. That averages to 72.9 MPH.
I got pulled over in Maryland 5 days before my provisional was up.
Don't worry. If you want to watch House you have to wait 8 days even if you have a tv subscription.
I started looking for a valet job as a second job, because it would be fun and I could use the extra cash.
Some older cars could have the odometer rolled back by putting the car in reverse.
Ah yes. Forgot about that.
If you are familiar with the art of the late apex, managing weight transfer, and like your left foot to partake in the driving experience, the (Mustang/BRZ) is the better car of the two at that price.
How would this be better than an Fusion at that price?
NOVA roads are pretty good. The beltway part is a mess now because of construction. I think they spend so much time on construction on the NOVA side of the beltway that it is never completely clear.
Maryland isn't bad. $180 for a car over 3700 lbs. $51 for a historic car. Those are bi-annual fees.
2nd: I would gladly pay $325 right now if it means that all the crappy roads that I drive on will be smooth again. But I know that will not happen.
Xfinity wanted $7/month for a wireless router.
I can get to where a video screen, but some channels won't play.