Chuck U Farley

Why does this look like Ted Cruz wearing an Energy Dome?

Haryanto is the new Maldonado

And traffic lights(arrows) that only turn green when they detect the use of a turn signal.....otherwise there is also a spike strip if you try to run the red light.

I second this...

I feel like painting fake tunnels on brick walls is an acceptable way to filter out people who should not have a driver’s license. Every city should have at least 6 of these.

He also raped one of his wives...

He also raped one of his wives, and makes sexually charged comments about his daughter. These people are fucking nuts.

They really should’ve named France the Younger something more easily differentiated from the name of his father, or from that of retired drivers from the same series. Like Snarfledoot. Snarfledoot France. No one would ever make a typo on Snarfledoot.

Bigotty, Bigotty, Bigotty, bigots! All of them!

“You know about his winning, and business and success,” France said. “He wins with his family.”

Oh shit, that’s who that was. I also totally expect Mr. Hendrick to have a little talk with his newest driver about getting involved in such polarizing things.

Who else would Bill France support? They’re two peas in a pod. Inherited tons of wealth, demonstrated nothing but incompetence with it, and legally bullies anyone who dissents. It's only now that they are in the same room that I'm certain they aren't the same person.

Boogity boogity boogity, let’s go racist!

Maybe NASCAR just wants to treat its fans and the rest of the world to the mushroom treatment. You know, keep us in the dark and feed us manure.

I hate to admit it—I was a HUGE Dale fan—-but it really is startin’ to look that way. For a few years I thought it was just because Junior was more interested in the whole “rock-star” image thing. Now ? Not so much. (sigh)

I see your Raptor and I raise it to a MT900 (successor)

I think the F50 wins this one.

What about the Panoz Esperante or the Consulier GT?