Chuck U Farley

How easy is it to deactivate the fake 'engine sounds' played through speakers?

My parents' early 90s LS400 and Landcruiser both passed 300k miles without any issues. Those cars are the definition of "bulletproof". They also owned an equally indestructible late 80s Integra, which replaced an early 80s Civic with over 400k miles. All the women in my family are on their 2nd RX or RDX, and none have


For once, I like your list. Nice job.

Cheap to buy yes, but too expensive to operate to be a true "beater".

I think she must mean Taco Trickle, cousin of NASCAR legend Dick Trickle.

I am officially requesting Texan Approved Taco Eating (TATE™ ) instructions. Please be extremely detailed and if possible include pictures.

Anti-tomato-ers unite!

Typical NASCAR. Some xenophobes still can't accept Tacos in their sport.

Tomatoes are vile: fact.

Actually just google 'how to chip your diesel to roll coal (like an idiot)' and 'how to run a diesel exhaust through your truck bed(like an idiot)' to see how to ruin a truck.

Either one... plus the possibility of using cheap materials and lifting it waaay to high.

But let's be honest here... for most people who will do this and lift their trucks, it will be more like "How to Ruin your truck by yourself in a day"