Chuck U Farley

HUGE difference between saying something controversial and physical assault.

Time to put this to rest. He fucked up he paid for it end of story. Let's not drag this out any loner than it already has.

The amount of social ineptitude on Twitter is's a compendium of fuckwit tweets on the topic.

most of the abuse online has been along racial lines. I guess no matter where you go, bitter white men think people with foreign names are coming for their JERBS!

c'mon people, leave the guy alone.

Here's my free advice to everyone today: When your boss hits you, you go down. And you stay down. Seek immediate medical attention. Last, enjoy the settlement.

Pretty sure all of my cars would find themselves drained of gas and missing essential parts for a year if that happened to me.

A 20-minute tirade followed up with some physical abuse is a very long moment. He needs to figure out how to control himself.

I feel so sorry for the guy. It seems like there was nothing he wanted more than for everything to just go away and go back to work.

Only a true idiot would blame Oisin on any level. You were 100% and its pretty damn pathetic that you had to say that.

For the first time since the "fracas", someone said something that makes sense.

The guy is getting all the wrong ends of the stick, Clarkson hits him, Internet turns on him because they think he's the reason their favorite show is cancelled and ultimately he ends up in a questionable employment position due to something completely out of his control. The brunt of Internet Outrage is bad enough,

Credit where credit is due, that's an admirable response. I really feel for Tymon, and though this won't change much for him, I certainly hope it helps.

This whole thing is a giant shit show. It makes me sad that this poor guy's getting harassed for being harassed.

When this rumor first broke a few weeks ago I had hope that the common sense written above would have prevailed...but then the internet happened.

Hitting subordinates is wrong, but hitting your boss just feels so right.

He's 100% correct. Tymon deserves no blame whatsoever and shouldn't really even be named in this whole ordeal. That Clarkson hit someone at work is all that matters. The who of it is really immaterial.

I agree. I think he has mis-read the market. The guy willing to spend $180k or more on a custom hotrod does not want it to be like anyone else's. Kind of the pint of "custom".

Even if street trucks aren't your thing, you've got to respect how seamless this restomod looks.