Chuck U Farley

If it ain’t broke, keep fixing it ‘til it is! LOL

Yes, I’d take them .

Maybe (we hope!) they’ll actually make one that does not cost $100.00 per mile to maintain?

If the choice is between “moron” and “loon” - I’ll vote for moron

Repeat after me: “Garden Tractor”!

How about a fine for being passed on the right?

Was this “the BIG ONE” on lap 4 or “the BIG ONE” at the finish?

Q: If Renault left F1 how many people would notice?

Since Aston M is British - it is actually a rumour, not a rumor! (grins)

“Road Hugging Weight” ???

And the very best part: This is last weekend for NASCAR “coverage” being “provided” by Focks

Would i buy a Renault? NO!

The E32 - maybe even the E38. The newer ones might have looked good if they hadn’t all been rear-ended by an oversized semi, making them look like SUV’s

The $99.00 membership is overpriced by exactly $99.00.

Someone actually dislikes “Toilet & Douche”?

A full-on competition Hemi - with each exhaust pulse making the steel tube headers ring

Passing during the parade race is legal now? Have they changed the rules?

Don’t mind being courteous - in fact it is expected. But this was presented as a “here’s how to get outta the greys” - and I guess I am not motivated by any super strong desire to get outta the greys.

Bu bu bu bu b but if I have to be “nice” and a “positive poster”, then why bother at all?

“Kyle Busch is an asshole” is redundant