3 times in 5 trips? Seems she’s on a hot streak!
3 times in 5 trips? Seems she’s on a hot streak!
To approx 99.9% of the Bimmer drivers - it is a luxo-prestige-mobile, about as exciting as a brown 4 cyl Camry Automatic, but “look at me! I’m in a 7-series Bimmer so I’m special!”
That black Dorf.... So much want, so much lust after.....
And for some incomprehensible reason Susie actually thought Williams actually meant it when they signed her.......
Nicole - you wasted a chunk of my life on THAT? This is an example of your decision-making capacity ? To quote Mr Hair hisself: “Yer FIRED!”
OK - so Nico won the Pole
Watched the Angie’s List Indycar GP.
but-but-but-but - wot?
Yeah, but If you had spent a gazillion bux on a new Audi, It’d be the same story....
I guess I must be a pee-on (or is that “peon”?) because I have NO IDEA whatsoever about what bespoke tailoring I’d want on a Rolly-Royce. Bucket seats or bench? Carved wooden interior? Brushed or polished stainless accents? Which clock face? Which cities should be on the outter ring of the clock? What colour (after…
.....But your man can smell like me.... (I’m in a boat)
One does not “Service” a Maseratti - if one can afford to BUY one, one can afford to scrap it and go buy another as soon as the tires get dirty on the tread-y parts - which given the Maser’s reliability records is about the so-called “service intervals” work out to being anyways!!
Safest car is one that does not run- cannot get into a wreck.
How much could it cost to get the wheel balanced? If wheel is WAY outta balance - it’ll do that EVERY TIME!
y’mean like Texas?
Rene Rast? Not Father Maldonado?
And Reverend Maldonado wasn’t even there!
And you don’t even get DQ’d for passing someone on track, which is the only logical reason for F1’s “start on the pole, win automatically” results. EVERY time! Zzzzzzzzz......
I don’t want that crap in ANY car I own!