Chubby Blimp

It’s like at some point you turn old and you can’t just call it target anymore. 

It’s 100 % worth the price of admission.

I’m in this looks good to me. I want it. 

Oh man the worst is when you’re playing and you didn’t realize the sun has gone down so suddenly you take your headset off and you’re in a pitch black room and your eyes are 100% not adjusted for how dark it is. Super eerie.

This kills me because the game is so good but the community is SO gross and toxic in that way. I had to turn off chat entirely. I understand that they’re a small team (and young) but I cannot recommend their game while they continue to sit by and seem to take 0 action in response.

I just added this to my discord which was already a tire fire. I hope smilebot doesn’t bring a match. 

It should be noted that Bethesda released a beta patch that helps cure the blurries.