chubby ballerina

We should focus more on how Turkish Delights are complete ass and I went on a whole journey as a child searching for them because of the book. Top 5 disappointments of my life.

must say, gadot does look a good fit for the movie, she has that old hollywood glamour

Before the “NFTs are dumb because energy usage/hype/poor artists” and “NFTs are great because there are a handful of legit use cases” crossfire starts, let’s all just remember that those are both sideshows: NFTs are primarily a mechanism for the super-rich to avoid taxes and launder money.

That, and CBS is drowning in these types of stories about people who work on their shows.

I recently read the memoir Educated by Tara Westover, who was raised and homeschooled in a Mormon separatist family. She managed to get a college education and leave the family and ideology all together but its clear from her book that that was only possible because she was able to become financially independent from

But what should not be lost in the American media discourse is Peng Shuai, the human being, not merely the star athlete, who has to contend with half the world dissecting her every move.

I find it interesting that people gathering to block a highway in order to protest actual injustice are brutalized by police with chemical weapons and truncheons for the unforgivable crime of inconveniencing drivers, but assholes like this suffer no legal consequences for the apparently forgivable crime of delaying a

A publicity stunt? So...a bunch of people bought (no doubt expensive) plane tickets during the holidays just to get on youtube? They didn’t actually want to go anywhere?

You may recall this is America, where you can be fired for any reason or no reason at all.

Honestly when I see men that claim to want to be child free but they don’t get a vasectomy I give a huge side eye. It’s almost saying I don’t want to have kids with my partner but I want to keep my options open for someone else. 

I’ve known a few people who were strongly in the no child camp. Each one had their mind changed by a partner or an oopsie. I’m the only one I know who hasn’t changed my mind.

I think odds were this was always going to be a premature birth. 

these kinds of comments rule. just a dude who read an entire review of a movie through gritted teeth, furious.

Think of how much closer fascism got in the time it took you to comment. Maybe fascism is your fault.

The fact that people are here telling you that you’re wrong is absurd to me.

If part of European culture involves me licking vomit foam from the a plaster cast of a chef’s mouth I’ll keep my swine-ish self over here in the states. Personally I think you’ve got the same sort of stick up your ass as this “chef”

Hold up. Sure, one doesn’t go to fine places to ‘get full,’ but looking over a list of Manhattan Michelin restos online, there are at least three I’ve been to - Eleven Madison, Blue Hill, and Gramercy Tavern - where I have left plenty full and satisfied. Same with Bouley, same with Chanterelle...yeah, they aren’t

Yeah, and I’m not trying to justify that she is creating a lot of further harm and chaos herself, but I do think it’s important to recognize that the instability seems very apparent after the blacklisting. Being gaslit and intentionally being made to feel crazy for over a decade naturally results in a person behaving

Because Emily is likely one of the new hires brought on at a lower rate when more senior staff were forced out. Speaking of toxic workplaces, what’s good, Jezebel?

Poor white trash stick up convenience stores to get meth money and fight each other in Walmart. She’s a middle class suburban white woman. Just crazier than usual.