chubby ballerina

There are all kinds of issues with your statement let alone what was said. “Sufficiently on board” seems like an understatement. It appears they actively opposed unionization (likely cutting into their top earning position in their mind or the position as defacto management of the unit).

In times like these I am always reminded of the famous Bette Davis quote on the passing of Joan Crawford:

The Marvin Gaye estate seems to be remarkably petty. First they somehow manage to gain millions through a highly questionable legal verdict, and instead of just quitting while they’re ahead they do this?

That song is garbage, but come the fuck on, they sued him for perjury AFTER they won multiple millions for the copyright lawsuit?

Honestly, I have so much issues with “rights holders” of dead people’s IP.
There should be a way to protect those IP without enriching “sons and daughters of” that have not done a single

I’m dreading all the “separate the art from the artist” equivocating bullshit we’ll likely hear, so filmmakers can continue to wax rhapsodic about Manhattan and Annie Hall.

I really recommend a romance novel podcast called “Heaving Bosoms” to everyone who is into romance novels or interested. I’ve been reading more romance lately and was recommended several romance novel podcasts but this one is my favourite.


As the doc nicely put it he's been slut shaming his way to the top since 1998.

One thing we can all agree on, Fuck Justin Timberlake. Anti vaxxing, misogynistic white trash.

Captain von Trapp, my first celebrity crush. A great Sherlock Holmes in the fun, deeply silly Murder by Decree.

I am grateful he was able to give us Knives Out before he left us.


I support eliminating bail in non-violent situations. He never should have been granted bail in the first place. His mommy drove him to the protest, that choice demonstrated he has resources available to jump bail. It’s not rocket surgery.

Well, South America IS the traditional choice for a certain type of wanted gentleman.

Despite some decent to fine acting, The Undoing was also shit and doesn’t deserve anything resembling a “best” award (except maybe for Grant who did what he could with a horribly written role).

Shocking that the police who helped a white teenager fulfill his nazi Rambo fantasy have now “lost” him too.

I was trying to imagine what would happen to a POC in the same situation, but of course they wouldn’t have survived being arrested, so it’s moot.

Oh my god. I just want this to be over with. 

Honestly it’s a good movie for those that don’t understand the complacency surrounding sexual violence, but mostly it made me wishing us survivors had someone like Mulligan’s character to avenge our pain and how ultimately everyone else gets to move on except us. Her character feels revolutionary for actually and