
Yeh it’s allowed but can’t you see why people might assume you’re not judging it based off its merits by the way you said you “won’t” see it?

Won’t see Ghostbusters.

Does anybody own a 3D tv? I thought that fad was dead.

I havent seen it yet. But I’m going to hazard a guess that you are in possession of both realistic expectations, and a modicum of respect for creators and their difficult endeavors.

EVERYONE cares about the box office, or ought to. Hollywood makes what sells, and as long as crap sells, they’ll keep making it.

Trump has one of those books for toddlers where one of the pages is a mirror.

The problem is with you, not the games. They didn’t get boring, you changed.

Mediocrity + Christianity = Business Plan

I’m glad you asked. It is $1,530,000.

Didn’t take long for “That Guy” to show up

Most of them are fine with—and this makes me cringe—the speakers on their TVs too. It's tragic really. Like they still live in caves!

Yes, you are an enthusiast. Nothing wrong with that, I am as well. But a majority of the world does not care or even really know about the difference between streaming HD, 1080p Bluray discs and 4k. We are not the majority.

Right? Disney treats their audience like children!

You have to admire a guy who can fool his bosses into thinking he is not the problem!

I missed the part in The Avengers where Thor realized that Loki was too dangerous to live, so he snapped his neck.

They kicked you out before the movie finished, huh?

If there had been a post credit scene, I would have missed it because I got out of that theater ASAP

They kicked their universe off with two shitty movies and tons of bad word of mouth?

Thanks, Obama, er, I mean Axanar.

There's something very nice about the amount of dedication and curiosity that goes into breaking a game as much as possible to achieve these things. From the countless hours that go into tool-assisted runs to get every action pixel perfect to the ways they use to vault across vast expanses of data to skip areas. Even