I would prefer an anime adaptation of the final Bleach arc
I would prefer an anime adaptation of the final Bleach arc
Proven to be false.
There are those who’ll tell you that Overwatch is at its best when you’re playing your favorite hero, pushing the…
Win 10 is still hot garbage, but unless you can convince more companies to use Linux, it’s the only corporate choice out there.
Those forced upgrades from older versions of Windows is really paying off for Microsoft.
This is very strange to me. I mean, it’s not arousing or even appealing to look at. But I feel the same way about “porn parody” videos which are apparently very popular but I don’t like them. I guess I’m the weirdo.
Here’s AtelierMariner with not one but two awesome pieces of cosplay from the best movie Disney ever made, Atlantis.
That’s interesting. I’ve been holding on to my HTC One M8 because (A) got the thing set up how I want it and (B) haven’t seen anything yet that’s enough of an improvement to warrant swapping over.
Yiff.Party was originally an experiment, its admin, who wouldn’t give his name, told me over e-mail. It blew up on 8chan’s furry message board. “The site’s mission is simply to make paid Patreon content available for free,” he told me. “We’re not out to get creators or make them lose income.”
My monitor is almost identical and it’s great. Don’t let people poo-poo the 1080p.
From personal experience I can tell you that game addiction is more a symptom of prolonged depression than a cause for it. I have mthfr homozygeous mutation, cbs and comt mutations and a few others that result in vitamin deficiencies, inability to process sulphur and other chemicals. I’ve cleaned up my diet, learnt to…
Still use a 4s. I see no need to get a new one. But lately, even photos and videos that are texted from newer phones are shrunk and compressed so that they look like garbage. This only started happening a few weeks ago.
Privacy accounts are totally valid. Honestly, I think the best solution would be to allow multiple accounts, but force players to link them, and only allow one account of the player’s choosing to count for official rankings. I don’t care if they allow all the other perks, but remove the punishment to other players.
You nailed it with that revised road analogy.
We’re going to triple the price of food... but don’t worry... you can still buy groceries!
I fucking hate click-to-move controls. It’s why I could never get into Diablo until Diablo 3 hit consoles. I very begrudgingly put up with it for the occasional HotS stint only because I enjoy the gameplay.
You’re in luck, it’s WASD with mouse for aiming.
It’s WASD to move, mouse to aim. Feels similar to twin-joystick controls. It’s been ages since I played Magicka, but I *think* that’s how it controlled as well?
I think you just wrote a new hit josei manga series
Great new idea. DON’T!!!!! just DON’T!!! its already a great movie why does it need to be live action. Maybe just come up with an original idea instead of ruining other peoples work.