Chrury Sanson

I wonder which distinctly not-Georgia places they’ll recruit their players from. Hmmmm

And on the other side of the planet:

It looks like a puzzle from a first-person adventure game.

A few on here I hadn’t heard of. Neato.

“The Bionis... and the Mechonis?”

Agree, I’m ever the optimist for the Dragons.

That makes a lot of sense. The Rock Band keyboard has a really nice response (thanks rhythm game) and feel. I found the keys to be a bit too light for playing piano/keyboard semi-seriously but as an alternate input device? Probably pretty great.

Nightmare Girafarig? Has he not heard of a pushmi-pullyu?!?!?!

“Press X to Shaun”?

Ah. I can see how that might hinder your PC gaming. :p

If you find a spot of time and have the interest; the base game (so what was initially launched) of GW2 is Free to Play with minor restrictions.

The designs that avoid the problem on 3DS/2DS systems are generally mirrored or symmetrical. The Link Between Worlds 3DSXL they did is a good example.

So what you’re saying is...

That good enough? :p

For normal items (arrows, apples, crafting mats), faster is better. Totally agree.

As a pack, it’s fine. With the slow drip of what a season pass does, it was torture on release. Most of the individual parts are really short. 30 minutes or so tops.

{Applause Applause}

*Conductor/band director